Normal sudoku rules apply.
Each N-sized cage contains the digits 1-N exclusively.
Cells separated by a (chess) knight's move cannot contain the same digit.
Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!
Solution code: Row 8 followed by Column 9
on 17. July 2023, 22:56 by jadezki
Found this much closer to a one star difficulty for some reason. Thoroughly enjoyed the solve, Thank You!!
on 6. December 2022, 18:30 by Saskia
Fantastisch :-) Thanks
on 23. October 2022, 01:14 by sacklunch
Really fun puzzle, thanks! A tough challenge, loved it.
on 18. October 2022, 18:02 by Lizzy01
Does a cage only contain digits from 1-n or must it have all of them?
@Lizzy01: An N-sized cage contains the digits 1 through N. So, for example, a 5-cell cage contains the digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
on 17. October 2022, 17:30 by Ragna
Das hat Spaß gemacht!
Dankeschön :-)
on 17. October 2022, 16:57 by Crawlie
I think that might be the first time Im the first solve on a puzzle! Fun puzzle! :)