Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Colorguru Chaos Deconstruction

(Published on 30. May 2022, 03:09 by crispy16)

I set this for zetamath's newest setter challenge. I wanted to take some of the ideas behind the Suguru Chaos Construction genre and apply them to coloring. I think it turned out pretty fun.


Some cells in the grid have been colored. The given cells are also labelled with a letter representing the color:
b - blue
g - green
p - purple
r - red
y - yellow

Using those 5 colors, color some more cells in the grid to satisfy the following conditions:

Every colored cell must belong to a Block. A Block consists of 1 to 5 orthogonally connected cells of the same color. Blocks of the same color cannot touch orthogonally or diagonally.

Every Block belongs to a Region. A Region consists of 2 or more orthogonally connected Blocks. Blocks within a Region cannot be the same color or size. Regions may not touch orthogonally. Regions that touch diagonally have at most one color in common.

Numbers outside the grid, indicate the number of colored cells in the respective row or column.

Solve on F-Puzzles
Solve on SudokuPad


Solution code: Using the letters for the colors given in the rules, write the colored cells in row 15 then column 6, ignoring uncolored cells. (One letter for each colored cell, so a sequence of 2 blue cells followed by 1 red and 3 yellow cells would be "bbryyy")

Last changed on on 30. May 2022, 15:24

Solved by LittleBallOfPurr, mathpesto, Hrafnsvaengr, Krokant, Dandelo, zuzanina, Elliott810, mike-smith, jkuo7, RJBlarmo, AnnaTh, rimodech, Calamay, OGRussHood, Tar-Roccorendil, cdwg2000, mnasti2, polar, ... Oripy, Sewerin, ddx2407, Jaych, KNT, Mark Sweep, Vebby, Leonard Hal, dennischen, Mikemerin, nottabird, Counterfeitly, h5663454, Gnosis66, karen_birgitta, teff, sockerbecca, MusiKaiser, TheZwierz
Full list


on 12. July 2022, 13:36 by jessica6
Dieses Rätsel habe ich als letztes dieser Serie gelöst. Da ich nun viel Übung habe, war es hier höchstens mittel, sogar eher leicht.

on 23. June 2022, 09:09 by Mody
Eine absolut kreative Idee.
Wenn einem die Strategien aufgehen, die man anwenden kann, wird es zum wunderbar logischen Rätselvergnügen.
Und das Allerbeste ist, dass es ein zweites Rätsel, und wie ich gerade gesehen habe, auch ein drittes dieser Art von Dir gibt :)
An absolutely creative idea.
When you realise the strategies you can use, it becomes a wonderfully logical puzzle pleasure.
And the best thing is that there is a second puzzle, and as I have just seen, a third of this kind from you :)

on 23. June 2022, 04:05 by DiceCupMerlin
The first of this type I've done, Finding where I'd gone wrong and fixing it was tricky ;)

on 30. May 2022, 22:23 by Krokant
Such a creative idea. Following the path through this wasn't too difficult, but, man, was it rewarding. Terrific puzzle! :)

on 30. May 2022, 17:02 by mathpesto
Such an innovative puzzle! Took me a while to wrap my head around the rules, but the logic that followed was absolutely beautiful.

on 30. May 2022, 15:51 by LittleBallOfPurr
This really is such a wonderful design for a puzzle. I did make the silliest mistake at the end, ignoring one of the rules as I mopped up, which was pointed out to me.

That said, as someone who loves colour scanning, the logic within felt comfortable and easy to follow, perhaps this will feel harder for those who don't like colour scanning. I really enjoyed the entire experience, a constant stream of little deductions and rewards, very satisfying. Can't wait to see more of these! Thanks, Crispy!

on 30. May 2022, 15:24 by crispy16
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Solved:48 times
Observed:4 times

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