Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Arrow Clashes

(Published on 27. May 2022, 21:54 by Sktx)

==== LINKS TO SOLVE ====

F-puzzles - CtC app

==== RULES ====

Normal Sudoku rules apply : fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 appearing each exactly once in every row, column, and 3x3 box.

Arrows : Digits along an arrow (grey line) sum to the digit in the arrow bulb (grey circle) and can repeat (only if allowed by other rules).

Solution code: Digits from Row 2 (left to right) followed by digits from column 4 (top to bottom). 18 digits total, no space character.

Solved by SKORP17, Julianl, AvonD, PippoForte, by81996672, OutOfMyMindBRB, Bjd, lerroyy, Ragna, DVFrank, econtrout, jalebc, PseudoCoup, Sumanta(ANU), brandon_bot, Xendari, Phistomefel, Dentones, pippilotta, ... SimplePurpleFrog, jkuo7, Elliott810, kevinyoung90, Jesper, Imperial Marcher, Nylimb, Siebuhh, geronimo92, OGRussHood, dogfarts, Christounet, jhuijts, michaal94, Uhu, Jodelbanane, valle1124, Just me
Full list


on 16. July 2022, 01:17 by Christounet
Nice puzzle with an original use of arrow sudoku. Well done !

on 29. May 2022, 19:56 by XeonRisq
Nice concept, and clever break-in logic that I have come accustomed to in your puzzles.

on 29. May 2022, 18:48 by antiknight
Beautiful puzzle !

on 29. May 2022, 07:26 by Phistomefel
Very cool idea! Thank you, Sktx.

on 29. May 2022, 03:51 by Xendari
Stunning puzzle with beautiful logic. Thank you for sharing!

on 28. May 2022, 15:28 by Ragna
Ein tolles Rätsel! :-))
Vielen Dank.

Rating:95 %
Solved:58 times
Observed:12 times

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