Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Indexed quiver

(Published on 21. May 2022, 00:24 by Kilonum)

-Normal sudoku rules apply.

-Arrow: Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in the circle.

-159: A digit in column 1 indicates the column in which the digit 1 appears in that row. Columns 5 and 9 have the same rule for the digits 5 and 9 respectively. (For example, a 4 in R7C1 tells you there's a 1 in R7C4. A 7 in R3C5 tells you there's a 5 in R3C7.)



Solution code: Row 1 followed by row 9 (no spaces and no commas) ie (123456789987654321)

Solved by SKORP17, AvonD, Julianl, jalebc, PippoForte, kolot, drbs, marcmees, jguer, by81996672, CastleSheepside, Isa, ofsmul, Banana, wenchang, apendleton, 0123coolkid, Vivian Huang, mathpesto, Colonel, ... Kigor, mattnburris, PepperWood, Jaekpuzzle, AN_not_IO, lovely, zorant, flaemmchen, Montinox, morgannamodeaura, Saskia, zhergan, Bulkystapler, zrbakhtiar, jadezki, karen_birgitta, sandmoppe
Full list


on 16. July 2022, 00:21 by Kigor
Great puzzle! Only pure logic required, enjoyed each step, thanks a lot!)

on 24. May 2022, 02:14 by mathpesto
Lovely puzzle! Great interactions between the rulesets.

on 22. May 2022, 21:42 by wenchang
Very nice! https://youtu.be/2_DKWoBeSm8

on 21. May 2022, 12:48 by drbs
Sehr schön, diese Index-Puzzles gefallen mir.

on 21. May 2022, 11:25 by kolot
There are some beautiful interactions in this puzzle. I enjoyed it.

Rating:90 %
Solved:39 times
Observed:8 times

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