Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Disjoint groups Sudoku (Sudoku 7-re)

(Published on 18. May 2022, 12:35 by Sumanta(ANU))

If you are a fan of moderately hard tricks, then this puzzle is for you. If you liked this puzzle then I shall recommend you for my previous puzzle, Perpetual Motion. Happy solving!!


Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Disjoint: Same digit does not appear in the same position of different 3*3 boxes.

Killer: The sum of the digits in each cages is given at the corner of the respective cages.

Arrow: The sum of the digits on each arrows must be same as the digit on the circle connected to that arrow.

X/V/Kropki: Cells separated by X sums to 10, Cells separated by V sums to 5, Cells separated by black dots are in 1:2 ratio, Cells separated by white dots are consecutive. No negative constraint.

f-puzzle link:

f-puzzle (Disjoint groups)

Note:The puzzles I am presenting here are made by me. Any similarities with any other published puzzles are not intentional. My apology/thanks to other puzzle setters for any such incidents/inspirations.

Solution code: Column-2 (top to bottom, 9 digits)

Last changed on on 18. May 2022, 16:12

Solved by Tilberg, Dentones, henter, SKORP17, AvonD, zhergan, mos, jalebc, lovely, finger
Full list


Last changed on 20. May 2022, 19:04

on 18. May 2022, 14:35 by Tilberg
Gut erkennbarer Einstieg. Danke, schönes Rätsel!

Well-telegraphed break-in. Thanks for a nice puzzle!

@Tilberg. Thanks for the solve and feedback :). I am happy to note that you liked the puzzle.

Solved:10 times
Observed:10 times

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