Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Happy 51st

(Published on 14. October 2022, 16:00 by Blobz)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

The grey line ('5') is a palindrome that reads the same in both directions.

Digits along the thermometer ('1') must increase from the bulb end.

Digits in cages sum to 13; negative constraint applies -- no unmarked dominoes sum to 13.

Digits separated by a white dot differ by 1 (not all dots are shown).

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

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Birthdays and Anniversaries...

Solution code: Row 5 followed by Row 1

Last changed on on 1. April 2024, 20:41

Solved by h5663454, Ocean, AN_not_IO, belfieldtj, Mrtn, Myreque, tobymgk, SKORP17, Chelo, davidjshort, galium_odoratum, MB_Cyclist, Leoninus, Raistlen, asver, MontanaPearl, jimblek, Baklin, achim-t, arialy, ... Siempie, koiking, morgannamodeaura, isabelringo, phs, jjtheplum, sockerbecca, jaxmetallic, The Bard, naggy, garycblack, TagEule, Spooof, Nick Smirnov, vorash00, rexxk, ChampionAsh5357, NEWS, Juanfox
Full list


on 3. March 2023, 02:22 by RussKozerski
Thank you for such a fun puzzle. I'll ignore the fact that you're about 15 years late.

on 18. October 2022, 21:59 by Hirrumi
Nice puzzle.

on 16. October 2022, 16:54 by Johnny 97358
My Careless make me use 1 hour to solve the sudoku...

on 15. October 2022, 02:11 by sacklunch
Wonderful puzzle, thanks and happy birthday!

on 14. October 2022, 18:26 by davidjshort
I enjoyed the negative constraint

on 14. October 2022, 17:53 by Chelo
Lots of fun with this puzzle, by the way I wish a Happy birthday to the Lucky 51!..

on 14. October 2022, 17:06 by tobymgk
I was so excited to see another one of these! Great as always

Rating:91 %
Solved:250 times
Observed:11 times

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