Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Innovation (Ultimate Least Loved Arrow)

(Published on 12. May 2022, 17:25 by purpl)

I was watching the_cogito's Smallhat feature on Cracking the Cryptic (video link) and about 10 minutes into the video Simon counts the longest renban which is 21 cells long. I paused the video and wrote down "41 cell arrow?!?" and continued watching. Later I discussed this idea with the_cogtio and he pushed it one step further by suggesting the given 1 which is even more absurd. I believe I have found the ultimate least loved arrow! For my other least loved arrow puzzles, please click this list.

If you like Deconstruction puzzles, I already linked the_cogito's Smallhat, but see JayDyer's puzzle (or some of her more recent works) and Jesper's puzzle for a few more options.


Deconstruction Sudoku: Contained within the grid are nine non-overlapping 3x3 square regions, which must be located.

Each region contains the digits 1 to 9 once each, such that no digit repeats in any row or column. Cells outside regions do not contain digits.

Digits on an arrow sum to the digit in that arrows circle, digits may repeat on these arrows. Some cells on arrows may not contain digits ;)



Penpa+ (with answer check)

If you enjoyed this puzzle, consider leaving a rating and comment or better yet recommend it to your fellow solvers! I hope you do so for all the puzzles you enjoy ;)

Also check out the puzzles/setters I linked in the first paragraph if you haven't already.

Solution code: Row 8 followed by column 3 (left to right, top to bottom, replace empty cells with X). For example: 123XX456XXXXX789X123XX

Solved by Fryer, the_cogito, KNT, Dandelo, Steven R, wildbush7, marcmees, Jesper, Niverio, ___, efnenu, mathpesto, AvonD, Xendari, Nylimb, jkuo7, henter, ma3n, irq, Christounet, IAM3, ashwin, achim-t, ... Jay Dyer, rockratzero, flo_310, Mip, Uhu, 4xion, Vebby, h5663454, cdwg2000, lsw770770, Malrog, Frutlop, jsalomon, morgannamodeaura, bolado, dogfarts, humaLautema, isajo4002, wisty, Tommymanners
Full list


on 9. November 2022, 15:27 by Malrog
I'm so proud of myself for solving this - the first deconstruction I've ever solved, and all by myself! Really fun puzzle, thanks for making this accessible to plebs like myself ;)

on 1. June 2022, 16:48 by rockratzero
this puzzle's opening is super trolling me (in the best way), but is more than that and manages to make a solid arrow puzzle on the back end.

on 17. May 2022, 20:06 by SirSchmoopy
I really enjoyed this, it has a very nice flow to it

on 15. May 2022, 12:08 by robals
That was... interesting! Nice puzzle!

on 14. May 2022, 23:51 by robals
That was... interesting! Nice puzzle!

on 14. May 2022, 20:24 by Agent
Very funny looking arrow :)

on 13. May 2022, 17:29 by Christounet
Very funny "1" arrow ! Most powerful arrow ever !! Fastest chaos re-construction ever ! Original and nice solve afterwards. Thanks

on 13. May 2022, 01:14 by mathpesto
Came for the 41-cell arrow, stayed for the deconstruction. What a fun puzzle! Definitely made me laugh out loud, but also a good, serious challenge until the very end. And agreed with @niverio about the solution code ;-)

on 12. May 2022, 23:07 by Niverio
Wonderful idea with the best arrow in the world.

P.S. This is the best solution code I have seen in a while.

on 12. May 2022, 18:07 by KNT
this puzzle is actually such a troll

on 12. May 2022, 17:31 by the_cogito
I really enjoyed this puzzle. The long arrow is hilarious lol

Rating:93 %
Solved:57 times
Observed:13 times

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