Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hustle and Bustle

(Published on 11. May 2022, 02:23 by taylorsc)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Fill the grid with the digits 1-9 such that digits do not repeat in any row, column, or box.
Arrows: The digits along the arrow must sum to the digits in the corresponding circle. Digits may repeat on arrows if allowed by other rules.
Diagonal: Digits may not repeat along the indicated diagonal.
This my first time setting a puzzle, so any feedback or comments are welcome!

Solution code: Row 2 and column 2 (top to bottom), no spaces

Last changed on on 11. May 2022, 02:36

Solved by SKORP17, vjonsson, curry, rmahus, jalebc, Chelo, J Bowzer, deltameth, ScatterBrain, Lizzy01, hurrynot, Will Power, DamnedLight, galgamer, mobiustrip, Kigor, Steve360, TsieLeMoswang, Dentones, Xendari, karen_birgitta, dlindberg3, AvonD, Snow the Jam Man, valle1124
Full list


on 15. May 2022, 18:18 by taylorsc
Thank you @Will Power!

on 13. May 2022, 16:17 by Will Power
Very Nice. Thanks for setting.

on 13. May 2022, 00:56 by taylorsc
Thanks @Lizzy01!

on 12. May 2022, 14:26 by Lizzy01
Very nice!

on 12. May 2022, 03:19 by taylorsc
Thank you for the very kind words @Chleo! :)

on 11. May 2022, 16:30 by Chelo
Wow @taylorsc!.. My very compliments for your first puzzle, it was hard to me!.. Keep on setting and thank you for doing it..

on 11. May 2022, 15:14 by taylorsc
@curry Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :-)

on 11. May 2022, 06:05 by curry
Amazing first puzzle but I think its 4 stars.

on 11. May 2022, 02:36 by taylorsc
Tweak the description

Rating:94 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:8 times

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