Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Displacement (Arrow Sudoku)

(Published on 10. May 2022, 19:07 by Phistomefel)

This puzzle is a classic Arrow Sudoku and is inspired by emmettcito's wonderful Thermo Sudoku Heatstroke.

  1. Fill the grid with the digits from 1 to 9 such that every row, column and 3x3 box contains each digit exactly once.
  2. The digits on an arrow sum up to the number in the associated circle. Along an arrow digits may repeat, as long as it does not violate any other rules.
The puzzle is also available online via F-Puzzles and CTC-App. Have fun solving!

Solution code: 1st row and 1st column

Last changed on on 10. May 2022, 22:07

Solved by Playmaker6174, TotallyNormalCat, Vebby, DVFrank, SKORP17, antiknight, noname1477, KNT, Jesper, Qodec, ___, Agent, kolot, PippoForte, dlindberg3, Xendari, Dag H, PetLov, tinounou, ma3n, wenchang, ... Bobbobert, Saskia, mezkur7, Jammokablam, karlmortenlunna, vincenthi, tdennen, laky, jalebc, Snookerfan, hungkenchanlee, bansalsaab, jseng, Christounet, SXH, ajc, han233ing, steeto, TheNineElements
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on 16. April 2024, 16:42 by Christounet
I just love it when the meaning of the title is so obviously pointing to something, but you still need to work hard to understand how it is gonna play out ! Such a great setting with implications I would never be able to foresee as a setter. Thanks :)

on 18. February 2024, 10:18 by Snookerfan
Such a gem from the days before I tried variant Sudoku for the first time! Thank you

on 25. July 2022, 19:47 by Phistomefel
Thank you so much for the nice comments, guys! I am very glad that you enjoyed the puzzle. :)

on 24. July 2022, 20:17 by Piatato
Stunning construction! Thanks for this beautiful puzzle!

on 20. July 2022, 12:37 by Niverio
Simply wonderful!

on 20. May 2022, 18:23 by BlueShifted
Very nice break-in! One can only admire the arrangement after he gets to understand its rational

on 20. May 2022, 18:22 by BlueShifted
Very nice break-in! One can only admire the arrangement after he gets to understand its rational

on 17. May 2022, 07:36 by peacherwu2
Fantastic opening!

on 16. May 2022, 23:15 by Jay Dyer
Brilliant puzzle as always! I love pure arrow puzzles like this, and the complexity of interactions you managed to get out of such short arrows was truly remarkable.

on 15. May 2022, 06:31 by Phistomefel
@Prutsbeest: Thank you! This is a strategy that I also often use, when I don't know how to approach a puzzle.
@PotatoHead21: Thank you very much for the nice comment! :)
@tallcat: I am very glad that you enjoyed the puzzle. Thank you!
@Klausku: Dankeschön für das sehr nette Feedback! Beim Break-In hatte ich selbst ein bisschen Glück - ich hatte die Pfeile für den Einstieg ausgewählt und erst danach ist mir aufgefallen, dass es noch einen anderen Effekt hat, der das Ganze weiter einschränkt. :)

on 14. May 2022, 21:03 by Klausku
Früher hätte ich mich nie an ein 5er-Phistomefel Puzzle getraut. Heute war ich mutig und es hat tatsächlich geklappt. Das Break-In war wirklich schwer, super Logik. Danach lief es überraschend gut, immer war ein Arrow da, der weiter half. Danke für dieses geniale Sudoku
Really great puzzle! Very hard break-in. But then it flowed quite nicely (and for a Phistomefel-puzzle not that difficultly). Thanks

on 13. May 2022, 23:36 by tallcat
I was a little wary of this going in because of the difficulty rating. I should not have been so! Really enjoyed a lot of the interactions in this, and there were points on the way where i was chuckling out loud! Super fun :)

on 13. May 2022, 12:21 by PotatoHead21
Wonderful puzzle. I really like the ideas used in this puzzle and the strategic placement of the arrows to make the next deduction was just wonderful. Definitely a treat because Arrow Sudoku is my favorite sudoku variant and that it's also coming from the great Phistomefel.

on 13. May 2022, 11:44 by Prutsbeest
Oh my.. this took me a long long time :-) I was completely stumped at first; only after I started filling in digits randomly in the grid did I start to notice some of the logic needed for the break-in.
Very nice puzzle though, I enjoyed it!

on 13. May 2022, 09:55 by Phistomefel
@wenchang: Thank you for the nice comment and video!
@DiMono: I am glad to read that Heatstroke has one more solver and that you enjoyed both puzzles.
@Gnosis66: I think I know, where you were trying to start the puzzle. Sorry for that - now I see that it is tempting to think that there is the break-in.

on 13. May 2022, 07:33 by Gnosis66
I was certain I knew where to start, and I wasted much time because of my mistaken confidence. Great puzzle.

on 12. May 2022, 23:40 by DiMono
After spending an hour and a half making no progress, I went off and solved Heatstroke. Then I had an epiphany about this puzzle and came back to it, and solved it in an hour. Fantastic puzzle!

on 12. May 2022, 20:11 by wenchang
Very nice break-in and enjoy it.

on 12. May 2022, 10:28 by Phistomefel
@Qodec: I can imagine. :) I absolutely love Heatstroke, but I wanted to make my puzzle a little bit more approachable.
@Agent: Well done solving the puzzle and thanks for the nice comment.
@kolot: Thank you very much for the kind feedback!
@Xendari: I am happy to provide. :)
There actually was a bit of luck involved that the puzzle eventually became an Arrow Sudoku, since I was experimenting with different constraints at first (Thermo, Between Lines and Arrow). Finally, the Arrow Sudoku was the first constraint that yielded an interesting option to continue after the break-in.

on 12. May 2022, 03:20 by Xendari
Wow, I was just thinking the other day, "when is Phistomefel going to set another arrow sudoku?" My prayers have been answered! The opening of this was very clever, and the flow was beautiful. Thank you for sharing this :)

on 11. May 2022, 15:44 by kolot
Very beautiful puzzle!

on 11. May 2022, 15:18 by Agent
Very nice!

I remember when I started watching CTC channel, I was afraid to even try your puzzles. But now that I got a bit better at solving, I can truly appreciate how beautiful they are :)

on 11. May 2022, 12:42 by Qodec
Considering what puzzle inspired this one I was a little terrified to start this, but I need not have worried! Some very nice little surprises along the way too, thanks very much!

on 11. May 2022, 09:30 by Phistomefel
@Playmaker6174: Thank you for the nice feedback! I also very much enjoyed setting this part.
@ TotallyNormalCat: Wow, I am honored. :)
@Vebby: Thank you for the kind words!
@DVFrank: Dankeschön! Da hab ich die Schwierigkeit wohl mal wieder etwas unterschätzt... ^^;
@antiknight: Thank you so much for the kind feedback and choosing the puzzle as a favorite of yours! :)

on 10. May 2022, 23:06 by antiknight
A really amazing arrow Sudoku and one of my favorites too. Thanks for setting and sharing this beauty Phistomefel !

on 10. May 2022, 22:19 by DVFrank
Großartiges Rätsel! :^) (Und hammerschwer dazu, zumindest bis der Knoten endlich platzt)

on 10. May 2022, 21:55 by Vebby
Beautiful! Thanks Phistomefel! :)

on 10. May 2022, 21:13 by TotallyNormalCat
This is definitely going in the 'favourite arrow puzzles' category for me

on 10. May 2022, 20:19 by Playmaker6174
Awesome construction with a very satisfying logical path! Really enjoyed the interactions in this one, especially around box 5 :)

Rating:98 %
Solved:94 times
Observed:11 times

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