Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Deconstructed Pentominoes

(Published on 8. May 2022, 06:18 by mathpesto)


Fill some cells in the grid with the digits 0–9 such that no digit repeats in a row or column. Every digit belongs to a five-cell region, each of which contains the digits 0–4 or 5–9. Each region is a unique pentomino (see key below). Regions may not touch each other orthogonally. A gray circle contains an odd digit. A purple line contains a set of non-repeating, consecutive digits. Adjacent digits on a green line must differ by at least 5. Each blue line is in at least two regions, and digits must have the same sum for each region the line is in. (Note: Any cell containing a circle or part of a line must contain a digit.)

Solve on SudokuPad


Pentominoes Key:

Solution code: Ignoring blank cells, enter the digits for Columns 2 and 4 (top to bottom, no spaces)

Last changed on on 22. May 2022, 16:33

Solved by twobear, Elliott810, Jesper, jkuo7, MagnusJosefsson, josh_johnson, Bootenks, Siebuhh, Krokant, zuzanina, Steven R, Mody, matiasv5, wildbush7, bernhard, CJK, Statistica, ___, DamnedLight, marcmees, ... Blake Saligia, Bellsita, peterkp, OGRussHood, Mark Sweep, Vebby, Samish, zintra, Counterfeitly, P12345, Leonardo024, Jodelbanane, Sewerin, teff, sockerbecca, karen_birgitta, SudokuHero, Chefofdeath
Full list


on 28. September 2022, 11:45 by StephenR
A total blast from start to finish, thanks.

Last changed on 12. July 2022, 19:55

on 12. July 2022, 19:46 by jessica6
Are the purple lines Renban lines (set of consecutive digits in any order), or must the digits strictly increase/decrease?


@jessica6: renban lines so consecutive digits in any order.

on 13. May 2022, 04:32 by crossword
This was another wonderful chaos construction puzzle. Most CC puzzles are too difficult for me. Your puzzles are hard enough to be challenging but easy enough to complete with a little focus and determination. Please keep making more of these. :)

on 10. May 2022, 01:40 by mathpesto
Clarified rules.

Last changed on 10. May 2022, 00:02

on 9. May 2022, 23:49 by CJK
Do I assume correctly that every cell with a line going through has to have a number in it? (For me, this is not clear in the rules)


I just realized I forgot to include that but yes your assumption is correct. Will update the rules shortly.

on 9. May 2022, 15:05 by Mody
Wie immer wunderbar :)

on 9. May 2022, 14:02 by Steven R
Very fun and approachable :D

on 9. May 2022, 01:59 by Krokant
The most approachable deconstructed puzzle so far. And again a lot of fun. :)

on 8. May 2022, 20:39 by Bootenks
Very cool puzzle. :)

on 8. May 2022, 17:57 by josh_johnson
Fun puzzle and nice logical solve path. The pentominoes and deconstruction rules make a great pairing.

on 8. May 2022, 16:38 by MagnusJosefsson
Very fun smooth and approachable puzzle!

on 8. May 2022, 08:41 by Jesper
Very nice combo, not too hard

on 8. May 2022, 08:32 by Elliott810
Brilliant puzzle! Lovely use of the constraints. Thanks:)

on 8. May 2022, 07:59 by twobear
Very fun puzzle. Thank you!

Rating:97 %
Solved:75 times
Observed:5 times

Variant combination New Online solving tool Pentominoes

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