Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Dania: Uncharted Territories

(Published on 7. May 2022, 19:04 by antiknight)

This is the 6th puzzle in the Dania series and I hope you enjoy solving it. Any feedback is appreciated :)

1) Normal Sudoku rules apply:
Place the digits 1-9 into each cell of the grid. None of the rows, columns or boldly outlined 3x3 boxes contain repeated digits.

2) Normal Arrows rules apply:
The digits along each arrow must sum to the digit in the circled cell. Digits may repeat along an arrow if permitted by other rules

Solve Online:
F-Puzzles Link
CTC App Link

Solution code: Row 8 followed by Column 2

Solved by Cane_Puzzles, Jlrice2, SKORP17, kkli, Julianl, Ocean, LeLoyJenkins, blackgold, KNT, ___, curry, parkinson, Dentones, galgamer, soroush, dlindberg3, Playmaker6174, jalebc, shottik, tinounou, kolot, koba1917, Jakhob, SirWoezel, lerroyy, S4K, cdwg2000, kmoter, OGRussHood, AvonD, flaemmchen, morgannamodeaura, taniabn, juddimal, by81996672, mcs131313
Full list


on 10. October 2022, 21:39 by kmoter
what a maze this was :-)

Rating:96 %
Solved:36 times
Observed:8 times

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