Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

L.O.V.E. to S.O.L.V.E.

(Published on 2. May 2022, 10:22 by mathpesto)

Comments and ratings are much appreciated, and please check out my other puzzles here. Enjoy!


Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits in a cage and digits along an indiciated diagonal sum to the given letter, the values of which must be determined. (Digits may repeat along a diagonal, but not within a cage.) Digits increase along the thermometer from the bulb to the end. Also, the corresponding cage totals increase along the thermometer. (For example, the thermometer starting in R6C5 tells us that E is less than L is less than O.)

Solve on F-Puzzles

Solve on Cracking the Cryptic


Solution code: Columns 3 and 8 (top to bottom, 18 digits, no spaces)

Solved by jalebc, Steven R, Myxo, Nicholas Roberts, mosse, cbjenkins, h0_0man, Mody, abed hawila, noname1477, ehollins, davidjshort, by81996672, Puzzle Farmer, Sktx, drbs, ashwin, Ragna, ManuH, DamnedLight, ... helpicantstopbirding, Bankey, Ultimatemeowmix, zuzanina, AnnaTh, LadyRuatha, misko, Bellsita, Jaych, Vebby, tuturitu, dogfarts, Counterfeitly, Krokant, StephenR, trashghost, Sewerin, SudokuHero
Full list


on 10. August 2023, 22:25 by Krokant
A lovely solve. :)

on 16. May 2022, 19:25 by Bankey
This was fun! Thanks, @ mathpesto :)

on 5. May 2022, 18:33 by cbattles
That was super fun. Took me hours and few false starts, but a great puzzle overall.

on 3. May 2022, 23:46 by Ragna
Ein ganz tolles Rätsel!
Vielen Dank. :-))

on 3. May 2022, 20:25 by drbs
Sehr schön!

on 2. May 2022, 17:35 by Mody
Hat Spaß gemacht.
Very funny

on 2. May 2022, 13:52 by Nicholas Roberts
Very interesting break in I used (assume it's what was intended). Really enjoyable (took me 49 minutes).

Rating:94 %
Solved:44 times
Observed:6 times

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