Comments and ratings are much appreciated, and please check out my other puzzles here. Enjoy!
Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits in a cage and digits along an indiciated diagonal sum to the given letter, the values of which must be determined. (Digits may repeat along a diagonal, but not within a cage.) Digits increase along the thermometer from the bulb to the end. Also, the corresponding cage totals increase along the thermometer. (For example, the thermometer starting in R6C5 tells us that E is less than L is less than O.)
Solution code: Columns 3 and 8 (top to bottom, 18 digits, no spaces)
on 10. August 2023, 22:25 by Krokant
A lovely solve. :)
on 16. May 2022, 19:25 by Bankey
This was fun! Thanks, @ mathpesto :)
on 5. May 2022, 18:33 by cbattles
That was super fun. Took me hours and few false starts, but a great puzzle overall.
on 3. May 2022, 23:46 by Ragna
Ein ganz tolles Rätsel!
Vielen Dank. :-))
on 3. May 2022, 20:25 by drbs
Sehr schön!
on 2. May 2022, 17:35 by Mody
Hat Spaß gemacht.
Very funny
on 2. May 2022, 13:52 by Nicholas Roberts
Very interesting break in I used (assume it's what was intended). Really enjoyable (took me 49 minutes).