(Published on 11. May 2022, 09:11 by MunichFreak)
F-Puzzle Link
CTC App Link
Penpa+ Link

Normal Sudoku rules apply.
However the number in the spotlight (R5C5) does not act like it is supposed to be: The
value of this number is increased by the values of the orthogonally connected cells even if it still looks like a regular number. This value then applies to all the appearings of the spotlighted digit.
Example: If R5C5 was a 1 surrounded by 2, 3, 4 and 5 then ALL the ones in the puzzle would count as 15 (1+2+3+4+5)
Other rules as usual:
The green Line is a German whisper line (Digits next to each other need to have a difference of at least 5).
The blue line is a region sum line (The sum of its numbers within each region it passes have to be equal).
Digits on Thermometers have to increase from the bulb end.
Digits in the cage sum to the total given (digits may repeat)
Digits on arrows need to sum to the number in its circle.
Digits separated by a V sum to 5 - ALL possible V's are given.
Digits divided by a black dot have a ratio of 1:2
Digits divided by a white dot are consecutive
The puzzle title is word used in Germany for the stage prompter. Since a 'Star' is in the Spotlight and there is a long German Whisper line it's most likely that the star is Till Schweiger (which Name translates into 'silent one') but possible that it's Chuck Norris, too.
Extra hint for those who were reading to the end: There might be a trapdoor (or two) hidden somewhere near the stage, try not to fall into it.
Solution code: The numbers on the blue region Sum line starting from box 1
Last changed on on 11. May 2022, 15:50
Solved by rmahus, SKORP17, Niverio, danmeehan91324
on 11. May 2022, 18:19 by rmahus
After getting over the panic of not being able to do typical deductions because the spotlight digit could alter how the clues worked. I managed to understand how everything worked.
The puzzle is a lot of fun and it's really not that hard.
By the way, your html looks ok now.
on 11. May 2022, 15:50 by MunichFreak
Lösungscode verändert
on 11. May 2022, 15:45 by MunichFreak
Bild hinzugefügt hoffe ich?
on 11. May 2022, 15:44 by MunichFreak
on 11. May 2022, 15:39 by MunichFreak
Test für HTML-Formatierung
Last changed on 11. May 2022, 13:05on 11. May 2022, 12:59 by Dandelo
Das Rätsel fehlt!
Du musst die interne Nummer # wissen (beim Hochladen angezeigte Nummer merken oder über "alle Dateien bearbeiten") und mit <img:#> einfügen.
Die Label sind auch anders gemeint. Die Sprachlabel beziehen sich auf das Rätsel, nicht die Regeln. Und das Mathe-Label auf spezielles mathematisches Wissen. Ich würde hier Sudoku, Variante, Thermo usw. und evtl. Arithmetik nehmen.
Und wenn du alle 81 Zahlen als Lösungscode abfragst, wird das vermutlich (fast) niemand lösen, zwei der Zeilen oder Spalten, die man als letzte rausbekommt, genügen völlig.