Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Constellation Sudoku

(Published on 26. April 2022, 23:57 by Jreg)

This puzzle is kind of a proof of concept. A few days ago I made a puzzle called The Whispering Cookie, a minor part of which were nine "chocolate chips" scattered across the grid. Each such chip had to have a different number.

I wanted to isolate that concept a little bit more and see what I could do with a rule set based around it. Rather than calling it chocolate chips, I decided to name the constraint rule "Constellation." According to the rules of Constellation, nine stars are placed in the grid and each one has to be different, effectively creating a tenth Sudoku region which just happens to be scattered all around in small pieces which are all connected by the 1-9 rule.

If you like this idea and the puzzle I created using it, I would love to see more people take this concept and construct their own puzzles with it! I think it has a cool potential, but I'm not a good enough setter to do it justice. Let me know what you think and have at it!

The rules are as follows:

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Digits placed on the arrows must sum to the total given in the connected gray circle.

Every star in the constellation (i.e. the turqoise circles) must have a different digit on it.

F-puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y3fwmx4z

Solution code: The digits in row 2, from left to right.

Solved by SKORP17, Steven R, cbjenkins, jalebc, Marcos, XhcnoirX, Johannes Quack, by81996672, Isa, PinkNickels, thl1211, jguer, beesquestionmark, mobiustrip, jgarber, ecavalli, patinthehat48, ashwin, ... Banana, HelloKetene, bergelfe, Langa, padreswschamps, Ximota, ParaNox, rcg, geronimo92, ManuH, Mihpares, Uhu, zorant, Orpheus, rafaelkikuchi, skywalker, Crul, zrbakhtiar, Tar-Roccorendil, flaemmchen
Full list


on 19. August 2022, 20:32 by Orpheus
This was a lovely puzzle. Thank you for sharing.

on 10. June 2022, 03:16 by ParaNox
In case you already knew about this, just ignore my comment: You might be interested in a sudoku variant called Scattered Sudoku, which is like irregular sudoku but one of the regions is scattered around the grid like your constellation/chocolate chips

Rating:84 %
Solved:58 times
Observed:7 times

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