Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

A riddle, wrapped in an entropic line, inside a sudoku

(Published on 24. April 2022, 15:17 by Raumplaner)

A very special riddle sudoku puzzle with entropic lines.

A collaboration with JeremyDover.

If you are new to entropic lines we recommend to start with an easier puzzle or watch this video by BremSter first.


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Grey circles are odd digits.

Entropic Lines: Any set of three sequential cells along an entropic line must contain a low digit (1,2,3), middle digit (4,5,6) and high digit (7,8,9). Digits may repeat on a line, if allowed by other rules.

The riddle:

There is an additional line in the puzzle to be determined. This line can be obtained by starting at the center of one of the grey circles, and connecting the centers of all nine circles with exactly four straight line segments, without lifting your pencil, before ending at the center of another grey circle.



Solution code: Row 8 (from left) and column 8 (from top - 18 digits in total):

Last changed on on 25. April 2022, 09:41

Solved by ccotreau, Mr.Menace, zegres, Dentones, SKORP17, snr0n, ParaNox, mnasti2, britboy3456, Mikemerin, MicroStudy, rockratzero, tgstar, cryptique
Full list


Last changed on 25. April 2022, 09:40

on 24. April 2022, 16:55 by zegres
Very original and clever combination of riddle and sudoku!
Also a very cool entropic lines sudoku! This was a big inspiration for me to make some of my own puzzles.
Many thanks for your kind comment ZegreS! (Raumplaner)

Last changed on 25. April 2022, 09:36

on 24. April 2022, 15:54 by ccotreau
Nice puzzle with good logic and an interesting riddle that adds more nice logic
Many thanks for the nice comment. (Raumplaner)

Last changed on 25. April 2022, 09:36

on 24. April 2022, 15:43 by Mr.Menace
Cool puzzle and a nice classic riddle!
Many thanks. Glad you liked it. (Raumplaner)

Rating:93 %
Solved:14 times
Observed:8 times

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