(This is a more approachable version of puzzle 'Snake Race' https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=0009MU )
There are 4 snakes racing to the diamond (center cell). All snakes end in the center box, exactly one end at the the diamond. A snake is a path from a corner into the center box. The snakes are of different types:
- One snake contains only even digits
- One only odd digits
- One only high digits (>5)
- One only low digits (<5)
The solver has to dertermine the type of each snake. All snakes avoid cages, i.e. the path does not overlap with a cage. Snakes can touch each other but they cannot overlap. Normal sudoku and killer cage rules apply.
Play hier: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y6t69q3f
Example for the snakes:
Solution code: Winning snake: path from corner to center
on 25. April 2022, 09:38 by brandon_bot
Very creative.
on 22. April 2022, 14:06 by Harold
That one cage made all the difference. Still a very nice puzzle to solve!
on 22. April 2022, 09:05 by tomate94
I am so sorry!
You are absolutely right. Thanks to bigger, SKORP17 and Jreg for pointing that out. The top cage should be 9, not 11.
That was a typo while putting it into f-puzzles. I should really improove my double checking befor publishing.
I hope you give it another try.
on 21. April 2022, 23:19 by Dandelo
You should hide this comment, since it contains parts of a solution.
But I agree that the yellow snake leads to a contradiction.
on 21. April 2022, 22:20 by SKORP17
ich sehe keinen Weg für die gelbe Schlange. Oder dürfen sich Schlangen auch diagonal bewegen?
on 21. April 2022, 17:20 by tomate94
online solving tool: f-puzzles