Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

No Laughing Matter

(Published on 29. April 2022, 07:03 by Blobz)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits on arrows sum to the digit in the connected circle. Digits in cages sum to the small clue in the top left corner.

Nitrous Oxide (N2O) -- commonly known as Laughing Gas -- is composed of Nitrogen (atomic number 7) and Oxygen (atomic number 8).

There is one 7-8 domino (a Nitrous Oxide molecule?) in the central box; no other molecules exist. That is to say, no other domino or diagonal pair contain a 7-8 combination (but, 7-7 or 8-8 diagonals are allowed).

Of the remaining 7’s and 8’s (“free atoms”), none of them are adjacent to the central molecule (orthogonally or diagonally) and none of them are in cages or on circles/arrows.

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

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Solution code: Row 9 followed by Column 9

Last changed on on 1. April 2024, 19:24

Solved by cbjenkins, ScatterBrain, Dermerlin, Enkerro, efnenu, PippoForte, Ceedrich, jalebc, SeedyV, fuxia, farodin64, mosse, SKORP17, jgarber, PinkNickels, XhcnoirX, Prince Joffrey, adam001, clholl10, ... kelly, Onyx, lmdemasi, renmou3355529, martin1456, rich_27, atomvic, Thomster, scottgarner, Philpo, SudokuHero, Kekes, Montikulum, sockerbecca, MaxSmartable, The Bard, Ahrun, naggy, MontanaPearl
Full list


on 3. May 2022, 19:59 by Langa
Really good fun and smooth solve

on 30. April 2022, 12:19 by horseradish1
I rated this as very easy. Absolutely beautiful break in, and it didn't really require any even remotely advanced logic to get it. Just takes a minute to get used to the restriction, but that was honestly so fun. Great setting, thank you!

on 29. April 2022, 20:12 by sacklunch
Fun puzzle, thanks!

Rating:86 %
Solved:134 times
Observed:8 times

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