Normal Sudoku rules apply. Cells separated by a (chess) knight's move cannot contain the same digit. Digits may not repeat within a cage.
Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!
Solution code: Row 8
on 8. April 2024, 04:43 by SudokuHero
Was able to do it without coloring. Pretty cool
on 23. April 2022, 23:32 by Tank
Great puzzle, really liked the way it was solved
on 17. April 2022, 19:36 by kuraban
I liked this one. Similar to a couple of puzzles of mine (which no doubt helped me with the solve).
on 17. April 2022, 16:26 by drbs
Das beim Lösen notwendige ständige Umschalten zwischen Boxen und Käfigen empfinde ich als anspruchsvoll. Schönes Puzzle!