Solvable at CtC:
Solution code: Column 1
on 16. April 2022, 08:28 by waxwax
Fixed labels
on 15. April 2022, 17:49 by waxwax
A digit can appear 0, 1 or 2 times on a palindrome. Therefore, R6C2, R9C3 and R8C6 may not be equal, as then there are more than 2 of the same digit on the palindrome.
Another way of looking at it is that each palindrome half is a renban line. In odd length palindromes, the center digit belongs to both renban halves.
on 15. April 2022, 17:15 by SKORP17
Die Regel ist nicht ganz klar: Darf ein Digit maximal nur 2 * in einem Palindrom erscheinen, also darf es keine doppelten Digits in den jeweiligen H#lften geben?
z.B: R6C2=R9C3=R8C6 ist nicht erlaubt?