Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Subway Lines (Chaos Sandwich Sudoku)

(Published on 15. April 2022, 09:00 by Agent)

An irregular sandwich sudoku, but with a twist: regions are hidden, and must be determined by the solver by connecting circles of the same colour. This rule set is inspired by Flow Free.


  • The grid contains 9 irregular regions which must be determined by the solver.
    • Circles with the same colour belong to the same region. Conversely, circles with different colours cannot be part of the same region.
    • Each region forms a 1-cell wide path of orthogonally connected cells, i.e., regions must not contain any 2x2 box, and it is possible to walk from one end to another without repeating the same cell twice.
  • Each row, column, and region contains the digits 1 to 9 once each.
  • Clues outside the grid show the sum of digits sandwiched between the 1 and the 9 in that row or column.

f-puzzles link

CTC link

Enjoy the puzzle!

Solution code: Row 1 (left to right) then row 9 (left to right)

Last changed on on 20. December 2022, 03:45

Solved by Steven R, Dandelo, kolot, zorant, marcmees, Tilberg, ___, jkuo7, Siebuhh, RJBlarmo, AnnaTh, Franjo, arialy, ns08, soroush, polar, abed hawila, twobear, DerMaddi, Sewerin, Vebby, ManuH, StephenR, PixelPlucker, AvonD, h5663454, Jaych, codewizard, misko, tuckerbucket, pandiani42, zakkai, lerroyy, Paletron, KNT, Piatato, Christounet, redgecko, ibag, dogfarts, steeto, karlmortenlunna, Bellsita, widjo
Full list


on 28. April 2024, 08:06 by Christounet
Fun chaos construction. Thanks :)

Last changed on 20. December 2022, 03:45

on 17. December 2022, 19:26 by StephenR
I followed Agent's instructions and enjoyed this puzzle immensely. Hard not to when it's as smooth as this.

Btw, the CTC link took me to f-puzzles.

-- Thank you @StephenR! Good catch on the CTC link.

Last changed on 19. July 2022, 08:29

on 8. July 2022, 08:07 by twobear
Very fun puzzle. Thank you!

-- Thank you @twobear for yet another solve and kind comment! I appreciate a lot.

Last changed on 16. May 2022, 05:31

on 14. May 2022, 23:42 by abed hawila
Very nice puzzle, enjoyed every step!

-- Thank you for the kind comment! Glad you enjoyed.

on 23. April 2022, 06:57 by Agent
Thanks to everyone who solved the puzzle thus far! I updated the links to remove a clue that wasn't required for the solve, as pointed out by @kolot

on 19. April 2022, 07:52 by AnnaTh
Schönes Ostereier suchen!

on 15. April 2022, 22:39 by Tilberg

on 15. April 2022, 20:28 by marcmees
nice. Thanks.

on 15. April 2022, 16:59 by kolot
Very nice puzzle with some beautiful deductions. I enjoyed it.

on 15. April 2022, 16:36 by Dandelo
Nice puzzle.

@marcmees: You should unhide this comment. But the problem is not too important. If someone doesn't see the difference between the green colors it will lead to an immediate contradiction.

Rating:99 %
Solved:44 times
Observed:8 times

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