Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Modular Equal Sum

(Published on 12. April 2022, 10:42 by jcgodart)

Rule set:

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Lines are both Modular, Dutch Whisper and Equal Sum Lines.
  • Modular lines: every set of three sequential digits along a line must contain a complete set of residues modulo 3, i.e. one digit from {1,4,7}, one from {2,5,8}, and one from {3,6,9}.
  • Dutch Whisper Lines : Neighbouring digits along the lines must differ by at least 4.
  • Equal Sum Lines : For each line, the digits on the line have an equal sum within each box the line passes through.
  • Lines that do not cross several boxes sum to any total, but are still Modular and Dutch Whisper Lines.
  • Digits may repeat on a line, if allowed by other rules.

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Solution code: Row 1

Solved by Jlrice2, davidjshort, Julianl, SKORP17, deltameth, PippoForte, nyxie, ParaNox, ghosting, Krisonium, zhergan, jalebc, humaLautema, DiMono, finger, tgstar
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Rating:82 %
Solved:16 times
Observed:14 times

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