Normal sudoku rules apply. In cages, digits sum to the total in the top left corner. Digits along an arrow sum up to the digit in the two cell pill. (reading left to right) The grey line is a palindrome, which read the same in both directions. Clues outside the grid sum the digits along that diagonal, digits may repeat if allowed by other rules.
Solution code: Row 6 (Left to Right) Column 8 (Top to Bottom)
on 1. October 2022, 10:30 by SHERAX
very Doable:-)
on 13. April 2022, 05:16 by wildhound007
@nunc The 22 diagonal is very powerful at the end. Did you factor that in?
on 12. April 2022, 02:31 by TheCaretaker
Loved the interaction between the cages and the palindrome
on 12. April 2022, 00:08 by nunc
I liked it a lot, but got two different solutions (both lead to the same solution code): R9C4 got me two possibilities, both didn't lead to a contradiction. Double checked every constraint, didn't find an error.
on 11. April 2022, 23:21 by Ryx
Very nice puzzle! Right at about the top of my ability to solve and just the type I like (several clue types, though I tend to forget to use them all, get stuck, smack forehead, then continue)
on 11. April 2022, 19:52 by Bankey
Fun puzzle. Thanks for setting, @ wildhound007 :)
on 10. April 2022, 20:52 by OutOfMyMindBRB
Very nice logical flow from start to finish, a lot of fun to solve :-)