Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kitchen Sink

(Published on 9. April 2022, 01:29 by AnalyticalNinja )

Rules: Normal sudoku rules apply.
Numbers in the circles must appear in the 4 surrounding cells.
Cells on a thermo increase from the bulb end.
Cells with a circle are odd and cells with a square are even.
Cells in a cage sum to the total in the corner.
The greater than symbol in box 5 indicates which number is larger.
Cells on the indicated diagonal sum to the total indicated.

This puzzle will have a number of unique solutions depending on how the lines are interpreted.
1 sequence: the cells increase by the same amount along the line.
2 german whispers: adjacent cells on the lines must differ by at least 5.
3 region sum: for each box a line passes through, the sum of the cells on the line within them will have the same total.
4 renban: cells along the lines form a consecutive string of digits, but can be in any order.

BONUS palindrome: lines read the same way from either direction. By adding 4 digits to the grid you get the palindrome puzzle. The location for the digits can be found within the solutions at:
R2C5 Sequence
R2C1 German Whispers
R6C1 Region Sum
R5C9 Renban

F-Puzzles Link
CTC App Link

This is my first time trying to post a puzzle here and my second puzzle ever set, please let me know what you think.

Solution code: Row 9 of the renban solution.

Solved by Jlrice2, PippoForte, SKORP17, Elliott810, D-E-M-O-N, Ennead, jalebc, isajo4002, palpot, bansalsaab, ZornsLemon
Full list


Last changed on 9. April 2022, 23:19

on 9. April 2022, 22:00 by Elliott810
Very nice puzzle(s)! The renban version is by far the hardest of the set, but all of them are a lot of fun. Really impressive work, especially for a second setting. I hope there will be more puzzles from you. Thanks:)

-Thank you so very much for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it! (Also the renban being the hardest is definitely why it's the one that yields the solution code lol)

Solved:11 times
Observed:12 times

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