Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Battle With The Archers 30: Silent Threat II - Hidden Plan

(Published on 1. April 2022, 12:21 by Playmaker6174)

For people interested in my recent 6x6 sudoku pack, you can check out this link.

This is the 30th puzzle(!) of my Battle With The Archers collection and another version of the previous puzzle) with the same combo. As I was playing through some main structures, I realized there're some more interesting interactions in this Arrow + German whisper combo, and after a day later I completed another version of it. The break-in might be intricate and difficult to spot but the solve itself is really interesting so I hope you enjoy!

Also, because the collection has gone to its 30th milestone, I'd like to hear about some opinions from everyone here: what do you think about this journey; should more changes are needed to be done/added with the post display (links, texts, occasional example images...); some more new ideas for the series / besides the series etc.


- Normal Sudoku rules apply: every row, column and 3x3 box contains digits from 1 to 9 each once.

- Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in the circle cell attached to that arrow. Digits along an arrow can repeat if allowed by other rules.

- German Whisper lines [green lines]: adjacent digits along a green line must have a difference of at least 5.


F-puzzle link

Sudokulab (alt. link)

Penpa plus (alt. link)

CTC app (alt. link)

Good luck and have fun solving!

Solution code: Row 5 (left to right) and column 7 (top to bottom), 18 digits long with no space

Last changed on on 1. April 2022, 12:23

Solved by Vebby, antiknight, Tilberg, Jlrice2, kolot, TotallyNormalCat, ___, SKORP17, Julianl, abed hawila, Piatato, koba1917, tallcat, Austin, Niverio, DVFrank, AvonD, zhergan, lerroyy, Snow the Jam Man, Xendari, cdwg2000, ghosting, Ryzen, Bobbobert, Uhu, Bjd, OGRussHood, ZornsLemon, jalebc, Sewerin, GeorgeTheToad2
Full list


on 8. July 2024, 19:01 by GeorgeTheToad2
37 down 3 to go. This was tough from the break in to the mid solve to the end but very enjoyable. Thank you.

on 3. April 2022, 13:42 by abed hawila
Clever construction, as usual!

on 3. April 2022, 13:38 by Playmaker6174
Thanks to all of you! I'm glad that y'all enjoyed the deductions and fun solve path :)

on 1. April 2022, 16:28 by kolot
Clever interactions at the break-in and a smooth and fun solve afterwards.

on 1. April 2022, 14:43 by antiknight
I remember solving this puzzle and I really liked it. It has some beautiful interactions. :)

on 1. April 2022, 14:04 by Vebby
Really nice interactions between the constraints. Smooth solve after a tricky break-in. Thanks Playmaker! :)

Rating:96 %
Solved:32 times
Observed:9 times

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