Once again I’m borrowing from Aaronymous’s Bank of Great Ideas, and this time I’m making use of their recently invented Flashlight constraint.
1) Normal Sudoku Rules Apply. Every row, column, and box must contain the digits 1-9 with no repeats.
2) German Whisper Rules Apply. Digits adjacent to each other on a line must differ by at least 5.
3) Flashlight rules apply. Cells with squares inside of them are flashlights. Starting from a square, digits strictly decrease in one direction all the way to the edge of the grid. There must be at least one cell in this direction. Every other cell that is orthogonally connected to a square must be greater than the digit in the square and can repeat if allowed by other rules.
Solve on Penpa+ here.
Solve on F-Puzzles here.
Solve in the CTC webapp here.
Tip: The constraint works more or less like an invisible thermo. For those accustomed with thermos, the following image should explain well how a flashlight works:
Solution code: Row 5 and column 5
on 15. May 2024, 23:09 by Christounet
What a weird and amazing rule, and what a clever idea to combine it with GWs ! Loved this. Thanks :)
on 3. September 2022, 06:26 by Nordy
Wow! I did not expect just 5 flashlights to be soooo interesting. The logic is weird in the best way, and just the right level of trickiness—right as you begin to wonder how to make progress, a realization shines upon you. This puzzle certainly brightened my evening :)
— Thank you for the solve and the lovely comment! It feels nice to finally see this puzzle rated. :-)
on 5. August 2022, 13:52 by Piatato
A tiny example puzzle if anyone wants a starter, or possibly dessert: https://tinyurl.com/4n8n9z72
on 5. August 2022, 13:29 by Playmaker6174
Lovely and very satisfying puzzle! The concept took me quite a long while to get deep into it (hence the struggle at the opening) but once did so, everything got unfolded in such a cool way :)
on 29. June 2022, 21:59 by Vebby
Tricky opening that snowballs very nicely to the solution. It was great fun solving your puzzles, thanks Martin! :D
Thanks a lot for the kind comments and the amazing solving! I certainly didn't wake up this morning expecting my full collection to have one more solve by the end of the day :-D
on 7. April 2022, 15:37 by PrimeWeasel
A very enjoyable solve! The starting reasoning took me a while, but it all came together rather nicely!
on 2. April 2022, 12:44 by Aaronomys
This puzzle is incredible to me! All the interactions were brilliant, and every part of the grid feeds into the wonderful logic put into this puzzle. Amazing job! :D
on 1. April 2022, 19:21 by abed hawila
Very nice!
on 29. March 2022, 14:43 by filuta
a lot of great uses of the new constraint, and an easier side of 3 stars difficuly I think.