Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

8-Month Average

(Published on 27. March 2022, 11:00 by ndsurgenor)

  • Normal sudoku rules apply
  • Digits on a thermometer line must increase from the circular end
  • Digits on an arrow must sum to the total given in its connected circle
  • Each letter in the grid represents a digit (from 1-9) whose value must be determined; each individual digit may only be represented by one letter type and vice versa

Solution code: Row 2 and Row 3

Last changed on on 21. August 2024, 12:13

Solved by jalebc, Julianl, Bjd, Jlrice, Beardedpardal, cdwg2000, SKORP17, Banana, Sumanta(ANU), tsergiiv, zhergan, spintriae, Mutiny, Xendari, steelwool, kkli, MalkoMann2, ashwin, brandon_bot, DVFrank, Nairi, ... galgamer, tsc, mashton, koba1917, farodin64, DamnedLight, Sabs, apendleton, Corey115, karen_birgitta, HalfMoony, avahales, DillyK, LadyRuatha, SHERAX, lovely, morgannamodeaura, riSygneD, PinkNickels
Full list


on 2. August 2024, 14:10 by ndsurgenor
Updated link for SudokuPad to include solution check

on 29. January 2024, 20:24 by PinkNickels
Tough one for me, but grinded it out. thanks for the rewarding challenge!

Last changed on 23. October 2022, 23:51

on 2. July 2022, 21:52 by SHERAX
Sometimes I Try Leave It And Try Again This One Was Still Unsolved By Me Until Now…..

REPLY: Well done! - nds

Last changed on 28. March 2022, 10:26

on 27. March 2022, 20:43 by tsergiiv
WOW, that was great. Marvelous puzzle, just curious how you come up with the idea. That is brilliant!

REPLY: Very kind of you! I liked the idea of making thermos actually look like a temperature graph so experimented with their heights and placement in the grid along with the 'month' labels before adding the final elements to disambiguate (arrows and 8MA at the top)

Rating:91 %
Solved:50 times
Observed:12 times

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