Unknown Origin
(Published on 24. March 2022, 06:07 by Will Power)
Normal Sudoku rules apply. Numbers that are a chess King's move away from each other cannot contain the same digit. Numbers on arrows sum to the number in the pill at the origin of the arrows. Numbers on arrows repeat. Numbers in cages sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage. All cages have something in common that is to be determined by the solver. Numbers with an X between them sum to 10.
Solution code: Row 1 and column 1, no spaces.
Solved by Dandelo, skywalker, jalebc, Ceedrich, zorant, marcmees, tobee86, Chelo, samuella, Nairi, PippoForte, chippers, MetalPig, fpac, Scaupniobium, PinkNickels, kkli, cegie, Enkerro, SKORP17, mutex, ... juddimal, Crul, henryg14, SXH, ThirdWiseMonkey, extremelypuzzled, ludvigr04, Kekes, VeTaurus, LachyDachy, timww572, Ahrun, naggy, augsod, asii, DozingSongbird, jklimp, pms_headache, bolado
on 29. June 2022, 22:44 by josemadre
Clever, thank you for uploading this!
on 26. March 2022, 00:34 by erik
This was a lot of fun, I had a miscue for a while misreading it as a knight’s move constraint instead of a KING’s move constraint, that does not work very well
on 24. March 2022, 22:39 by peep50183
Lovely puzzle :)
on 24. March 2022, 11:36 by Chelo
That WAS fun!.. Thank you @Will! for setting!.. Nice idea of the big pill with the long arrows!..