Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 24. March 2022, 00:34 by AParliamentofOwls)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Digits connected with a white dot are consecutive. Digits a Knight's move away in chess cannot be the same.

The grid contains one single palindrome which passes through every box once and doesn't cross itself. The palindrome is marked in light blue.

However, the boxes that contain that palindrome are out of order. The numbers in the squares show the original order of the boxes (top row: 123, middle row: 456, bottom row: 789). The palindrome begins in the original box 1 and ends in the original box 9. The numbers outside the grid are the sum of the numbers in the squares in that column or row.

Play online: F-puzzles

If you enjoy this puzzle, you might like my other broken palindrome puzzle Shattered Mirror.

Solution code: row 9 and column 7, no spaces

Solved by Dandelo, Elliott810, Notlob, Felis_Timon, Dweezy, annnz, m_busuttil
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on 24. March 2022, 12:24 by AParliamentofOwls
@Elliott810 Thank you very much :)

on 24. March 2022, 10:11 by Elliott810
Very nice idea, beautifully implemented! Take a bow and thanks for sharing:)

Solved:7 times
Observed:9 times

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