Arrows: digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in the circle.
Carpets: digits along a carpet must repeat in the same order when it unrolls, starting from the dotted end (e.g: the carpet starting in R1C2 will unroll R2C3 in to R9C2).
CtC app:
Solution code: Columns 6 and 8, top to bottom with no spaces
on 28. September 2022, 20:58 by mustbetuesday
This was tricky for me but I really enjoyed it! I ended up using colours, letters, and numbers. There was an x-wing that took a while for me to notice. I really liked the section where the arrows gradually narrow down the possible digits. Very satisfying to solve!
on 24. March 2022, 04:32 by davidjshort
This was my first exposure to the carpet sudoku, and I greatly enjoyed this variant.
on 23. March 2022, 20:59 by CookieWookie
Super entertaining solve, I love how it all unravels (hehe) at the end!