Normal Sudoku Rules apply.
Japanese Sum sudoku rules apply. Numbers outside the grid give the sum of shaded cells. Between shaded cells must be at least 1 unshaded cell. All shaded sums are given (blank rows/columns are unshaded).
Additionally, there are hidden thermos in the grid! Every shaded cell represents either the bulb or the tip of some thermo. Unshaded cells do not represent bulbs or tips. Thermos are either completely horizontal or vertical, at least 3 cells long, and do not intersect each other. Along a thermometer, digits must increase from the bulb to the tip.
Solution code: Columns 1 and 3
on 23. September 2022, 23:59 by Krokant
I love your thermos and japanese sums. This puzzle is the perfect combination of both. Fun! :)
on 25. March 2022, 20:46 by panthchesh
Watch Rangsk's solve of this puzzle (after he got over "rules confusion")
on 19. March 2022, 20:14 by ashwin
very fun and creative puzzle!
on 19. March 2022, 18:41 by Vebby
Very nice idea and fun to solve!