Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits on a thermometer must strictly increase from the bulb end. Adjacent digits on a green whispers line must have a difference of five or greater. Neighboring digits marked with a white Kropki dot are consecutive. Not all dots are given. I think this puzzle is 2 stars out of 5 for difficulty for many solvers. As always, comments welcome!
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Solution code: First row of puzzle, and fourth column of puzzle (read top to bottom). Enter as a string of 18 digits, no spaces.
on 23. August 2024, 11:32 by phs
thanks for the lovely and not too easy puzzle!
on 14. January 2023, 08:44 by RussKozerski
Very interesting break in. Took me a little while to decipher. Thank you for the enjoyable puzzle.
on 5. December 2022, 21:52 by NeroQ
break-in is tricky, but later it go smoothly, nice puzzle
** Thanks for the solve!
on 8. April 2022, 01:18 by Rollo
** Nur zur Klarstellung: Leerzeichen und auch etliche andere Sonderzeichen (z.B. ,;.:'"?) werden bei der Eingabe des Lösungscodes ignoriert.
** Ah, das ist gut zu wissen. Danke.
on 3. April 2022, 13:01 by Rollo
Nice :-).
Why 'Zeichenfolge ohne Leerzeichen'?
** Nur zur Klarstellung. Ich frage nach einer Zeile und einer Spalte mit Ziffern. Manche Leute möchten vielleicht ein Leerzeichen oder Komma zwischen die beiden setzen.
on 29. March 2022, 14:44 by Hozenrider
One of the best mind-off sudokus of the last couple of weeks
** Thank you (I think....) :-) What is "mind-off"?
on 27. March 2022, 01:46 by linux203
@haligonian F-Puzzles doesn't properly validate whisper lines. For a quick example, a 5 can never go on a whisper line (0 and 10 are invalid) but F-Puzzles will not complain.
on 27. March 2022, 00:31 by haligonian
EDIT: PDN, you and @Linux were right, it was a mistake (not a 5, but a constraint violation on a whispers line that I assumed f-puzzles would flag). Got 'er now!
Hmm. I got a solution without violating any constraints (according to F-Puzzles) but was left with a deadly pattern and neither was accepted.
** Yes, @linux is correct. And without seeing a screenshot of your solve, I don't know what else to say. :-(
on 18. March 2022, 20:57 by rugbyrefmd
It's a tightly choreographed dance with thermos and whispers, very entertaining to tease out the first numbers. Thank you.
** Lovely. Yes - its the open where all the juice is. :-)
on 18. March 2022, 01:43 by erik
That one dot is doing a lot of work, very clever arrangement of thermos and whisper lines
** Once again, thanks for the solve and feedback!