Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 17. March 2022, 07:56 by cristophermoore)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Somewhere in the grid is a cell from which the digits increase if you move in a straight line away from it in any of 16 directions: orthogonally, diagonally, or along a Knightrider direction (repeating the jumps of a Chess knight along any of its 8 directions) as shown in the figure.

f-puzzle link


Solution code: Row 6 followed by column 8

Last changed on on 6. January 2024, 19:46

Solved by bigger, Julianl, jalebc, CookieWookie, moeve, marcmees, kroutu, Niverio, kolot, PippoForte, kkli, Gramor, kublai, galgamer, zlotnleo, Barrels, achim-t, Johannes Quack, CyberMonkey, prc123, karen_birgitta, rey, CHalb, Crul, annaswan, KyubiBoy
Full list


on 6. January 2024, 19:45 by cristophermoore
added SudokuPad link

on 19. March 2022, 17:17 by Johannes Quack
Fun to solve!

on 19. March 2022, 10:46 by Barrels
Great puzzle. It’s awesome to see the Nadir evolve into the Supernadir!

on 17. March 2022, 22:52 by Niverio
Very nice tribute, very enjoyable solve!

Last changed on 17. March 2022, 21:34

on 17. March 2022, 21:33 by Dandelo
Yes Cris: thanks!

Last changed on 17. March 2022, 21:31

on 17. March 2022, 21:17 by CJK
Could you please add the sudoku tag? Cris: Does it show up now?

on 17. March 2022, 10:00 by cristophermoore
In case it is not clear, this puzzle is very much inspired by Barrels' Nadir!

on 17. March 2022, 09:53 by cristophermoore
changed solution code to row 6 and column 8

Rating:93 %
Solved:26 times
Observed:12 times

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