XScape from Shawshank
(Published on 14. March 2022, 17:39 by Geelow98)
- Normal Sudoku rules apply.
- Normal killer cage rules apply. Digits cannot repeat in a cage and sum to the number in the top-left corner of the cage.
- Normal X rules apply. The sum of two digits connected orthoganally by an'X' mark must be equal to 10.
- Have fun!
Be sure to spread the word, rate the puzzle, and comment any suggestions! Get cracking!
Solution code: Row 9, left to right (no spaces or commas).
Solved by jalebc, SKORP17, minus2ev, Greg, Danica, DonCoreLyon, misko, cfop, cdwg2000, GeorgeTheToad, Sumanta(ANU), zorant, rcg, tobee86, brandon_bot, Raistlen, bogdan2112, steelwool, Uhu, Marcos, Crul, ... irq, mlkj, sbcman74, KyleBaran, saskia-daniela, skywalker, by81996672, Count Knersis, zhergan, ashwin, davidjshort, PinkNickels, ManuH, josemadre, PippoForte, morgannamodeaura, zrbakhtiar, Luigi
on 7. February 2025, 07:42 by abadx
CTC link: https://sudokupad.app/he1nqgjtc0
on 15. March 2022, 05:05 by cdwg2000
on 14. March 2022, 18:35 by minus2ev
Nice flow, interesting interactions between the cages and X's early on. Difficulty I'd say is 2-2.5 starts.