Sudoku: Fill every row, column and 3x3 box with the digits 1-9.
Primetime Killer: Digits in cages must not repeat and have to add up to a prime number.
In addition, exactly the half (rounded down) of the cells in a cage has to be filled with prime numbers (2, 3, 5, 7) (i.e. 2- and 3-cell cages: 1 prime number, 4- and 5-cell cages: 2 prime numbers, 7-cell cage: 3 prime numbers).
Have fun solving!
Solution code: Row 1 followed by column 1 (18 digits)
on 6. April 2022, 22:10 by dlindberg3
Wow, what a solve! Love the primes logic in both of your Primetime puzzles.
on 13. March 2022, 06:07 by Tilberg
Meine Herrn! Sauschwer und höchst befriedigend! Danke, Mad-Tyas.
Goodness gracious, one hell of a puzzle, but extremely satisfying to solve. Thanks!