Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Easy Peasy 2

(Published on 12. March 2022, 11:24 by Joseph nehme)

Continuing with the easy puzzles.


- Normal Standard Sudoku rules apply.

- The digits in the circles are the sum of the digits along their respective arrows.

- Digits on the thermometers increase in value from bulb end.

F-Puzzle Link to play below.

F-Puzzle link

CTC app Link to play below.

CTC app link

As always, your feedback, ratings and comments are highly appreciated :) Enjoy !

Solution code: Row 8 followed by column 8 (no spaces and no commas) ie (123456789987654321)

Solved by Fred Yamred, OutOfMyMindBRB, DanScacca, jalebc, TheRiddler, zorant, PippoForte, Sumanta(ANU), SKORP17, Notlob, Storm, Crul, misko, MavericksJD, mutex, irq, GeorgeTheToad, Playmaker6174, le bonhomme, ... ManuH, FalcoSüßgott, Richard, morgannamodeaura, Carolin, bolado, OGRussHood, PinkNickels, pepe74287, zrbakhtiar, Saskia, fca.felix.sudoku, scushuaishuai, logik66, Rollo, Montikulum, noodlehead
Full list


Last changed on 13. December 2022, 09:30

on 13. December 2022, 02:56 by chain.reader
I gave up after 80 minutes :/
not easy

@chain.reader sorry you couldn't find the solving path

Last changed on 20. July 2022, 05:18

on 19. July 2022, 22:38 by Richard
Also this one isn't very easy peasy at all!
But again a brilliant puzzle that I enjoyed thoroughly.
The opening was really clever chosen! Thanks for this gem Joseph!

@Richard Thank you :)

on 18. March 2022, 22:58 by Mad-Tyas
A very nice second puzzle in this series!

on 16. March 2022, 23:48 by cbattles
So I didn't find the 'easy peasy' at all, but I got through it. Maybe it's 'easy' because it doesn't require any advanced techniques, but it was still a tough solve for me. Or maybe I don;t know those advance techniques that would have made it easier.
I did however enjoy this puzzle immensely. It required logic to the very end and unfolded beautifully. Thank you.

on 12. March 2022, 23:04 by Xendari
Nice break-in! Just a note, on the CTC app, I love that it says "normal <variant> rules apply" instead of listing out the specifics of every rule that someone doing a 2 star puzzle will know (and thus not taking up screen space) - on this puzzle, it says "Normal Killer rules apply" instead of Arrow rules (you have Sudoku and Thermo above and below). No biggie though, thanks for the puzzle!

Rating:88 %
Solved:111 times
Observed:7 times

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