Welcome to San Francisco and the bay area! Every year, the subway system (officially "Bay Area Rapid Transit", or BART) befuddles millions of visitors. Perhaps you'll have better luck?
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Each line obeys one of three rulesets:
RENBAN: The line contains a set of consecutive, nonrepeating digits, in any order.
GERMAN WHISPER: Adjacent digits on the line must have a difference of 5 or more.
PALINDROME: The line reads the same way both backwards and forwards.
When two lines share a terminus (red/orange, red/yellow, and green/orange), they must obey different rulesets.
Cells connected by a ship (black dot) have a ratio of 1:2.
The blue shading is just for flavor.
Enjoy! Play on F-puzzles
Solution code: Row 8
on 26. August 2023, 07:51 by cristophermoore
This is a very accurate image of the BART map in San Francisco and Berkeley :-) more importantly, it's a vey clever puzzle with multiple layers of logic. Great puzzle!
on 15. March 2022, 09:49 by ICHTUES
Very cool puzzle!
on 11. March 2022, 08:20 by Bankey
Would love to have a go at this. Grateful if someone could provide the CTC app link. Thanks.