Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Oops Every Rule

(Published on 8. March 2022, 20:19 by jwsinclair)


tl;dr: All clues are standard as defined in F-Puzzles, with the slight cosmetic tweak that the clone cells are blue instead of gray. But, just so there's no confusion...

Normal sudoku rules apply.
The blue shaded cells are clones (i.e. they must contain the same digit).
The digit in the cell with a gray circle must be odd.
The digit in the cell with a gray square must be even.
The digit in the cell with arrows pointing outward must be greater than its orthogonal neighbors.
The digit in the cell with arrows pointing inward must be less than its orthogonal neighbors.
On the thermometer, digits increase from the bulb.
Digits on the arrow must sum to the number in the connected circle, and can repeat if allowed by other rules.
The gray line is a palindrome, which contains the same sequence of digits in either direction.
The purple line contains a non-repeating set of consecutive digits in any order.
Along the green line, adjacent digits must have a difference of at least five.
Cells separated by a rook's move (in chess) cannot contain the same digit.
The cage shows the sum of its digits.
The clue outside the grid with an arrow shows the sum of the digits along the indicated diagonal.
The other clue outside the grid is the sum of the digits between 1 and 9 in that row.
Digits inside the white circle must appear in one of the four cells surrounding that circle.
Digits in the cells separated by a V must sum to 5.
Digits in the cells separated by an X must sum to 10.
Digits in the cells separated by a white dot are consecutive.
Digits in the cells separated by a black dot have a 1:2 ratio.
Exactly one of these rules is merely an attempt to be funny (although it is, technically, still a valid rule).

Solution code: row 8 (9 characters, no spaces)

Last changed on on 8. March 2022, 22:44

Solved by Raistlen, jalebc, atomium, Crul, SKORP17, brandon_bot, OutOfMyMindBRB, dhdydg, jimblek, nunc, Chelo, cdwg2000, Haba, zorant, Jlrice2, pyramidsinmyhead, MalkoMann2, Dweezy, wilsig, Reenolex, ... dingledork, Fenn, asii, doomedmageknight, diziet, ScienceNerd2240, creo, mcc, Rearden, RebelSystem, Krisonium, cbattles, Unknown, rav, dendrobium, Montikulum, jadezki, finger, elulue, megabat
Full list


Last changed on 1. May 2022, 19:41

on 1. May 2022, 19:12 by PepperWood
Loved this puzzle! You got me with the rook clue. I legit re-looked up chess rules to see if I was mis-remembering the piece name ^o^'

Haha, thanks!

on 16. March 2022, 10:40 by juhish
Nice! I think just creating this puzzle qualifies as a sort of a joke, and the rook rule is the punchline :D

on 11. March 2022, 12:49 by Ragna
Das hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht! Dankeschön. :-))

on 9. March 2022, 11:23 by Chelo
Very nice puzzle, thank you!..

on 8. March 2022, 23:14 by brandon_bot
Clues are very well utilized.

on 8. March 2022, 22:44 by jwsinclair
Edited to clarify the rules, and the extent to which they are to be taken seriously.

Last changed on 8. March 2022, 22:32

on 8. March 2022, 22:23 by RickHoffman
By rook's move, I assume you mean knight's move?

No, that's just a joke (that I wasn't sure if anyone would even notice). Sorry if I confused you!

Last changed on 8. March 2022, 22:33

on 8. March 2022, 22:09 by SKORP17
die Regel mit dem Turmzug ist doch wohl überflüssig?

Ja, nur ein Witz, weil es schon so viele Regeln gibt.

on 8. March 2022, 20:21 by jwsinclair
Thanks for solving and rating! If you or someone you know would like a weekly set of puzzles that are a bit easier than the ones here, but hopefully still challenging, check out Artisanal Sudoku. Primarily killer sudokus, often in combination with other rulesets.

Rating:91 %
Solved:118 times
Observed:10 times

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