Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Walk the Planes

(Published on 4. March 2022, 06:11 by theasylm)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Normal Japanese sums rules apply.

The clues outside the grid indicate the sums of the contiguous regions found in that row or column that must be shaded the color of the clue. There must be an unshaded cell between regions of the same color.

There is a magic square hidden entirely within the shaded region.

f-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y9xk76qz
CTC: https://tinyurl.com/2p8v5pju

Solution code: central row

Solved by efnenu, misko, IAM3, rcg, Big Tiger, Nairi, Hecspeed, wilsig, sirtramola, marcmees, Jlrice2, adam001, kublai, tome_coelho, zorant, Notlob, w3leong, Raistlen, Eulchen 1965, Uhu, josemadre, geronimo92, ... godoffours, abadx, cmatthews30, Malrog, cornuto, silent492, NeroChaos, Trickyman, Askloomok, emertrdgkh, redgecko, creo, 1277885105, Komeiji_Carey, Montikulum, anomime, 3ColorTheorem, Carolin
Full list


on 7. April 2022, 00:42 by awesomesauce
The magic square was very helpful to me making it easier to figure out some sums.

on 4. March 2022, 19:08 by Jlrice2
Did not need the magic square constraint. I didnt even know it was one until after the fact.

on 4. March 2022, 14:29 by theasylm
Thanks for solving! Re magic square: it's more for theme than solving, since the pic is Magic-related.

on 4. March 2022, 13:58 by Jlrice2
Did not need the magic square constraint. I didnt even know it was one until after the fact.

on 4. March 2022, 11:01 by wilsig
Didn't need the magic square

on 4. March 2022, 10:50 by Hecspeed
An enjoyable solve. The magic square was quite nice too :)

Rating:88 %
Solved:77 times
Observed:7 times

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