Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Chaotically Coordinated Arrows

(Published on 3. March 2022, 19:58 by Piatato)

Another puzzle that is the result of a collaboration, this time with the great, creative setter filuta. After having solved the first two Coordinate Arrows puzzles by Aaronymous and myself, filuta came to me with the idea of setting a Chaos Construction with this constraint. He already had a few ideas for the setup, and over the last week we worked together to realize the puzzle. I’d say filuta is behind most of the greatest pieces of logic, but I also got in a couple of ideas, and in the end I got the honor of publishing the puzzle. :-)

To get accustomed to the Coordinate Arrows constraint, try my original Coordinate Arrows puzzle, or Aaronymous’s magnificent Sudokutown is That Way.


1) Normal irregular sudoku rules apply, although the regions must be deduced by the solver.

2) Digits on an arrow spell out the coordinates for the digit that is their sum. The row number is written on the start of the arrow, the column number is written on the arrow tip. If for example an arrow looks like this: -1 4-> then there must be a 5 in r1c4.

3) Both cells on an arrow must be in the same region as their corresponding sum.

Solve on Penpa+ here.
Solve on F-Puzzles here.
Solve in the CTC webapp here.

Solution code: Row 7 and column 7

Solved by starelev5, Thorsby, henrypijames, harrison, Knitabit, Jesper, kolot, Andrewsarchus, jgreenfield, Phistomefel, ns08, thefallenrat, Silverstep, polar, PrimeWeasel, Gnosis66, cdwg2000, PixelPlucker, ... SeveNateNine, applesauce, dogfarts, Bellsita, steeto, The Book Wyrm, SXH, MonsieurTRISTE, hajuyi, DaleVandermeer, NEWS, cyddrdrd, fungi, skwylcy, yangduoxing, koXx, zhangjinyang, Niverio, dumediat
Full list


on 21. August 2024, 16:50 by The Book Wyrm
Fun puzzle! Not too difficult but a lot of fun and interesting logic with the region building and arrows working together.

on 13. March 2024, 08:54 by Christounet
Superbly done, amazing how this resolves so nicely with so few clues ! I found it easier than I expected when I started solving. Thanks :)

on 12. December 2023, 18:29 by Yann
Wow. I'blown away by the seemingly harmless arrangement of arrows and digits. The CC logic was unbelievable.
Thanks for this masterpiece !

on 28. November 2023, 16:50 by ONeill
Great ruleset and puzzle!

on 26. September 2023, 17:48 by wullemuus
Very clever chosen arrows and digits excluding a lot of possibilities at once! The really difficult part was the CC (which I'm not so familiar with). The finish was again very elegant. Looking forward to the next CA variations!

Last changed on 6. August 2023, 08:31

on 6. August 2023, 08:31 by Aaronomys
Absolutely brilliant puzzle! It was amazing to find all the logic that allows such a minimal setup to solve an entire grid. Thank you both for this gorgeous work.

Last changed on 15. February 2023, 16:20

on 15. February 2023, 16:09 by Kafkapharnaum
Yet another amazing CA puzzle! And thanks to the prep work from the OG Coordinate Arrows and Sudokutown puzzles, I think this was the best possible point of entry for me for that variant; it went far better than I expected, even as it was still very hard and certainly a rough ride at times (top right/last few arrows in particular, phew). That said, this is one of my favorite solves for sure -- thanks so much to you and filuta for creating this!

Thanks for the solve and the very nice comment! Just one little CA puzzle left now, muahahaha

on 21. August 2022, 20:36 by Samish
Awesome puzzle ! As we could expect from such a collab :-)
I did Coordinate Arrows - Sudokutown - this one in that order and I think it was great because I enjoyed all of them very much and none of them felt monstrously hard.
It went pretty smooth and no part felt too tricky/sticky to me, quite a pleasant solve ! The combination of CA and CC rules probably deserves a 5/5 difficulty, but a true 5, considering these puzzles usually go from 3/5 to 7/5.
Anyways I'm very happy I completed my coordinate arrows journey =D

on 5. August 2022, 16:40 by Playmaker6174
Undoubtedly one of the hardest CC puzzles I've done so far. Interesting start, then it came an incredibly hard regions division where certain things needed to be constantly analyzed, but overall it's such a rewarding solve and a great way to conclude your entire catalog, Piatato :)

Last changed on 29. June 2022, 21:45

on 29. June 2022, 21:05 by Vebby
Superb! Loved the opening and how everything unraveled in the end.

Thanks a lot! Finishing line coming up now! :-D

on 19. June 2022, 08:08 by cdwg2000
Great puzzle.

on 7. April 2022, 18:24 by PrimeWeasel
Stellar construction! Really worth the time, I especially enjoyed the logic for the arrow coordinates on the top left. Thanks!

Last changed on 17. March 2022, 02:04

on 16. March 2022, 18:34 by Phistomefel
I really enjoyed that puzzle. The Coordinate Arrows and the Chaos Construction go very well together. Well done setting this, filuta and Piatato! :)

Thanks again! Very nice to see you enjoy the constraint and the puzzle!

on 10. March 2022, 11:03 by Andrewsarchus
Great puzzle! - At first it seems hard to believe it will actually resolve, and then everything just comes together nicely!

on 10. March 2022, 05:46 by kolot
Wonderful puzzle! Very beautiful ideas throughout the grid. I completely agree with all the comments of henrypijames about the puzzle.

on 7. March 2022, 13:59 by Jesper
Great puzzle! Quite challenging, but it is always possible to make progress logically.

Last changed on 4. March 2022, 23:41

on 4. March 2022, 22:06 by henrypijames
The start is neat but not that hard, then it turns into this very hard, very sophisticated CC where geometry reigns supreme. This is almost "pure" CC at its best, and for someone who loves geometry logic in sudoku, it was utterly absorbing - time just flew by. I'd love to see this one featured on CtC - maybe Simon will have the same time-slip experience as well.

Thanks for the solve and the amazing feedback! It truly made the day for both of us. :-)

Rating:98 %
Solved:58 times
Observed:9 times

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