Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Chaos Construction: Equality

(Published on 27. February 2022, 07:08 by SSG)

Place the digits 1-9 into grid such that each digit appears in every row, column, and nine-cell region.

Chaos Construction: The placement of the regions must be determined by the solver.

Region Sum Lines: The sum of all cells within a region that are on a particular line must have the same value in each region that that line passes through. No line may be confined to a single region.

Kropki Pairs: Cells separated by a white dot must contain consecutive digits. Cells separated by a black dot must contain digits with a ratio of 1:2. Gray dots may be either black or white. All possible dots that connect two cells that share and edge and both contain lines are given. Other dots may be omitted.

f-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y88tvu2a
CTC: https://tinyurl.com/2p9f9jf2
(Note that error checking will not work correctly due to the lack of regions.)

Solution code: Row 7 + Column 5 (Intersperse the 18 digits with "-" to represent each region boundary, including one between the row and column.)

Solved by Jesper, kublai, henrypijames, harryjbeer, marcmees, thefallenrat, Christounet, jkuo7, kolot, Statistica, Xenonetix, polar, Silverstep, PixelPlucker, ONeill, dogfarts
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on 17. April 2022, 23:05 by kolot
Very beautiful CC puzzle! I enjoyed it a lot.

on 8. April 2022, 10:51 by Christounet
Wow, very beautiful construction puzzle ! I had to come back to this because I did not look at it the right way the first time around. But it kept peaking my interest and i did it ! This puzzle did not get the attention it should have deserved in my opinion ! Very well done and looking forward to other puzzles like this.

on 27. March 2022, 08:11 by thefallenrat
Truly elegant puzzle! Having created a chaos construction with no more restrictions than kropkis and region sum lines while also having a unique solution, you truly are a creative constructor! I look forward for more of your chaos construction type puzzles!

Last changed on 27. March 2022, 05:23

on 27. March 2022, 05:13 by thefallenrat
Rules clarification please:
"All possible dots that connect two cells that share and edge" <- Does that mean there is a region border between the dots?

-No. The statement about edges is there in case someone unfamiliar with standard kropki rules attempts the puzzle. It's just to say that the negative constraint does not, for instance, preclude diagonally adjacent cells from being consecutive or in a 2:1 ratio. -SSG

on 2. March 2022, 20:20 by marcmees
great puzzle. Very hard but rewarding solve. thanks.

on 1. March 2022, 12:17 by harryjbeer
Beautiful puzzle. I was constantly pleasantly surprised at how seemingly insignificant digits played large roles and it left a general feeling of intention which I loved.

on 1. March 2022, 06:50 by henrypijames
Great puzzle.

Tip: Put down × (using CtC App's pen tool) between all line cells that don't share a dot. This visualization of the negative constraint will help you greatly.

Last changed on 1. March 2022, 11:20

on 1. March 2022, 05:41 by henrypijames
Rules clarification: It sounds like multiple passes through the same region don't count separately, but together (unlike most other equal sum line puzzles). Is this really so?

Edit: Having solved the puzzle, I don't think this was meant to be, and the rules need rephrasing.

-The rules are stated the way they are intended, which matches the original conception of equal sum/region sum lines. -SSG

on 27. February 2022, 11:10 by Jesper
A lovely Chaos Construction! Had fun solving it. Thanks!

Rating:97 %
Solved:16 times
Observed:7 times

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