Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Four Knots and Three Dots

(Published on 17. February 2022, 12:09 by antiknight)

This is a second version of a previous puzzle that I've created. I tried to give this version a better solving path with some nice logical deductions throughout the solve. Any feedback will be appreciated! Enjoy solving !

1) Normal Sudoku rules apply:
Place the digits 1-9 into each cell of the grid. None of the rows, columns or boldly outlined 3x3 boxes contain repeated digits.

2) Normal German Whispers rules apply:
Adjacent digits along each grey German whisper line must have a difference of at least 5.

3) Normal Diagonal rules apply:
Digits along diagonals must not repeat.

4) Normal Kropki rules apply:
A black dot between cells indicates cell values with a 2:1 ratio. A white dot between cells indicates cells with consecutive values. Not all dots are shown.

5) Anti-knight rules apply:
Cells a chess knight's move apart cannot contain the same digit.

This is the puzzle:

F-Puzzles Link
CTC App Link

Solution code: Row 5 followed by Column 5

Solved by SKORP17, ___, ViKingPrime, manushand, LurkingFrog, OutOfMyMindBRB, cfop, Fedo , D-E-M-O-N, cdwg2000, jalebc, annnz, MatB
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Solved:13 times
Observed:9 times

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