Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Lines 11

(Published on 16. February 2022, 22:59 by Jjesper)


Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits along lines sum to 11, digits may repeat along lines.

Try it one one of the links below


Solution code: First 3 digits of rows 2 and 5. No spaces

Solved by Johannes Quack, Greg, SKORP17, Notlob, Julianl, jchan18, RickHoffman, jalebc, DanScacca, Playmaker6174, PippoForte, zorant, Piatato, Qodec, Elliott810, elephant_in_the_room, zlotnleo, Crawlie, ... dogfarts, D-E-M-O-N, thefallenrat, michaal94, HelloKetene, cdwg2000, PseudoCoup, talldrinkofwater, adam001, geronimo92, Saskia, gdc, P12345, diziet, pepe74287, scushuaishuai, lmdemasi, Jodelbanane
Full list


on 27. February 2022, 02:50 by SimplePurpleFrog
I enjoyed this, although I did find it challenging.

on 18. February 2022, 01:02 by obi
Beautiful puzzle, and I too enjoy the shorter solution code!!

on 17. February 2022, 21:49 by Corey115
Great logic throughout. I love the 6 digit solution code. Seems so unnecessary to require 18 digits when it's all honor system anyways.

on 17. February 2022, 11:51 by Qodec
Juicy logic, never tricky and so elegant! This is as good as it gets, thank you!

on 17. February 2022, 11:42 by Piatato
Very nice and smooth puzzle!

on 17. February 2022, 10:20 by Playmaker6174
A pleasant and beautiful solve path! :)

Rating:95 %
Solved:106 times
Observed:8 times

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