Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

A Magical Friend

(Published on 12. February 2022, 00:38 by theasylm)

Japanese Sums Samurai Windoku

Four standard 9x9 sudoku grids are given, with a fifth grid superimposed on the other four, sharing digits with each.

Outside the grid are colored clues. These indicate the sum of the contiguous region in that row or column that is shaded the color of the clue. There is no need for there to be an unshaded cell between cells of differing colors. Do note that the JSS clues only apply to the sudoku grid they are next to.

Finally, in each primary grid, somewhere in a region of one solid color is a magic square. The color of the region containing the square may or may not be the same between grids.

Special thanks to riffclown.

Penpa+: https://tinyurl.com/3rwzkzmy

Solution code: Central row of center grid.

Last changed on on 12. February 2022, 02:18

Solved by ArchonE-mobile, marcmees, Kenji769, SKORP17, panthchesh, zlotnleo, MissMaraJoy, kublai, Vebby, CaGr, awesomesauce, Montinox, chippers, MIKA, eelyashova, Krokant, doyle524, kris.vandebroek, abadx, zrbakhtiar, Malrog, vmirandaa, Luaryo, isajo4002, Fenn, Terrapin, bereolosp, geronimo92, Saskia11, Kgoat
Full list


on 22. August 2023, 15:46 by Malrog
Tons of fun, and surprisingly straightforward, given the scale of the puzzle. Really lovely setting, thank you :)

on 11. January 2023, 04:31 by Krokant
Easy, but a lot of fun. Cute picture as well. :)

on 13. February 2022, 01:36 by panthchesh
That's a beautiful picture! :D

on 12. February 2022, 02:18 by theasylm
adding tags

Rating:87 %
Solved:30 times
Observed:12 times

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