Solution code: Enter the 1st and 8th columns
on 19. August 2022, 21:01 by MatthewDonovan
An incredible puzzle, and I absolutely love the opening logic which I had never seen before! Thank you!
on 15. February 2022, 11:35 by Mox
After 4 days and 2 failed attempts I finally solved my first 5 star puzzle! Thank you, SudokuExplorer and PotatoHead21 for the puzzle.
on 14. February 2022, 02:19 by DiMono
Excellent puzzle. And easy to go wrong with a faulty deduction that seems reasonable at the time. Be careful!
on 13. February 2022, 03:36 by PotatoHead21
I'm so glad to have been part of the making of this puzzle. It's a wonderful puzzle with a nice logical path.
on 11. February 2022, 20:15 by SudokuExplorer
Thank you all for all the detailed and positive feedback! I'm really pleased you enjoyed discovering the quite tricky logic in our puzzle. I might later add more details of the setting process in a hidden comment. :-)
on 11. February 2022, 19:14 by Johannes Quack
One of the best puzzles I've seen so far! Would be interesting to know how long it took you to set it.
on 11. February 2022, 14:40 by antiknight
I really like how it finishes. Amazing construction.
on 10. February 2022, 22:03 by ProRock
Very nice and relaxing puzzle, it has some tricky deductions but nothing too crazy. It's mostly about coloring stuff and chilling =)
on 10. February 2022, 19:35 by DVFrank
Very nice! :^)
on 10. February 2022, 18:20 by Gyan1010
Wow! Nice puzzle. Took me a long while to get any actual digits but fun once it gets going.
on 10. February 2022, 15:45 by Playmaker6174
Incredible puzzle! I was really surprised at how cool the solve path was, and that one breakthrough said it all :)
on 10. February 2022, 12:24 by Vebby
Remarkable how it all resolves in the end, great construction!
on 10. February 2022, 08:56 by laregioncentrale
Stunning puzzle! Maybe one of my all-time favourites. There are so many surprising and fascinating deductions, and the difficulty was perfectly balanced throughout the whole solve. Kudos!