Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Knight's Whirlpool

(Published on 10. February 2022, 00:30 by SudokuExplorer)

This is an anti-knight arrow sudoku resulting from a fruitful collaboration between PotatoHead21 and I.

Normal sudoku rules apply.
Each row, column and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Standard anti-knight rules apply.
Cells separated by a chess knight's move cannot contain the same digit.

Standard arrow rules apply.
Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in its circle.

You can try this puzzle on Penpa+, F-Puzzles, SudokuLab and CTC-App. Enjoy!

Solution code: Enter the 1st and 8th columns

Last changed on -

Solved by SKORP17, jguer, Ood, laregioncentrale, cdwg2000, kolot, jalebc, Vebby, Storm, Tilberg, Playmaker6174, abed hawila, ___, CaneloC, Dentones, Gyan1010, argl, TimurA, Jesper, DVFrank, ProRock, ensmsglu, ... AvonD, agueybana, Studernaldo, Kimyee, samjna0049, lerroyy, Nils101, by81996672, Krokant, gdc, Unknown, P12345, billy49, starelev5, zhergan, tess, anhu17, Bobbobert, han233ing, valle1124, Ysgramoth
Full list


on 19. August 2022, 21:01 by MatthewDonovan
An incredible puzzle, and I absolutely love the opening logic which I had never seen before! Thank you!

on 15. February 2022, 11:35 by Mox
After 4 days and 2 failed attempts I finally solved my first 5 star puzzle! Thank you, SudokuExplorer and PotatoHead21 for the puzzle.

on 14. February 2022, 02:19 by DiMono
Excellent puzzle. And easy to go wrong with a faulty deduction that seems reasonable at the time. Be careful!

on 13. February 2022, 03:36 by PotatoHead21
I'm so glad to have been part of the making of this puzzle. It's a wonderful puzzle with a nice logical path.

on 11. February 2022, 20:15 by SudokuExplorer
Thank you all for all the detailed and positive feedback! I'm really pleased you enjoyed discovering the quite tricky logic in our puzzle. I might later add more details of the setting process in a hidden comment. :-)

on 11. February 2022, 19:14 by Johannes Quack
One of the best puzzles I've seen so far! Would be interesting to know how long it took you to set it.

on 11. February 2022, 14:40 by antiknight
I really like how it finishes. Amazing construction.

on 10. February 2022, 22:03 by ProRock
Very nice and relaxing puzzle, it has some tricky deductions but nothing too crazy. It's mostly about coloring stuff and chilling =)

on 10. February 2022, 19:35 by DVFrank
Very nice! :^)

on 10. February 2022, 18:20 by Gyan1010
Wow! Nice puzzle. Took me a long while to get any actual digits but fun once it gets going.

on 10. February 2022, 15:45 by Playmaker6174
Incredible puzzle! I was really surprised at how cool the solve path was, and that one breakthrough said it all :)

on 10. February 2022, 12:24 by Vebby
Remarkable how it all resolves in the end, great construction!

on 10. February 2022, 08:56 by laregioncentrale
Stunning puzzle! Maybe one of my all-time favourites. There are so many surprising and fascinating deductions, and the difficulty was perfectly balanced throughout the whole solve. Kudos!

Rating:98 %
Solved:98 times
Observed:5 times

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