Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 6. February 2022, 11:40 by Mad-Tyas)

Since my recent Entropy sudokus were all quite difficult, I thought it was time to add another easier puzzle to the Entropy series. It's also my first puzzle in which I combine the entropy rule with Kropki.

You can find more Entropy sudokus as well as my other puzzles here


Sudoku: Fill every row, column and 3x3 box with the digits 1-9.

Kropki: Digits in cells connected by a black dot have a ratio of 1:2. Digits in cells connected by a white dot are consecutive. Not all possible dots are nessecary given.

Entropy: The low digits (1, 2, 3), middle digits (4, 5, 6) and high digits (7, 8, 9) are defined as three different groups. In the finished grid each 2x2 box has to contain at least one digit of each group.

Have fun solving!

Sudoku on:

Solution code: Row 9 followed by column 9 (18 digits)

Solved by Steven R, OutOfMyMindBRB, Greg, Krokant, TheRiddler, elephant_in_the_room, Guillem98, Crul, BlackApolloX, vmirandaa, Enkerro, Bankey, SKORP17, bflat, zorant, SimiC, samuella, AN_not_IO, ... xtfnfhvzzw, Gydoku, zhergan, Unknown, antzervos, diziet, larinae, ryanprobably, jointdog, asii, IGoUnseen, -Tsigje-, Mikemerin, fca.felix.sudoku, Snookerfan, Montikulum, tgstar, PinkNickels, gnidan
Full list


on 18. December 2022, 00:23 by chain.reader

on 15. December 2022, 17:52 by Crusader175
Very nice interaction & entropy coloring!

on 5. April 2022, 18:37 by adam001
@TsieLeMoswang: it is almost correct. two numbers are swapped

on 15. February 2022, 09:39 by CHalb
Beeindruckend! Wenn in einem Rätsel mit Kropki-Anteil nicht alle Punktpositionen besetzt sind, dann gefällt mir das nur sehr selten. Aber hier sind die kunstvoll symmetrischen Vorgaben eine sehr gelungene Basis :-) .

on 9. February 2022, 02:49 by Digbog26
such a great rule set

on 8. February 2022, 20:02 by DasBooch
Fantastic solve, very fun. Thanks!

on 8. February 2022, 14:01 by rhodri
A delight!

Last changed on 6. February 2022, 23:52

on 6. February 2022, 22:11 by ScatterBrain
Although this was not hard it was great fun figuring it out. Thanks for making it.

-Reply: Thank you! This is what I aimed for.

Last changed on 6. February 2022, 23:51

on 6. February 2022, 20:33 by patinthehat48
great puzzle, loved it :)

-Reply: Thank you for solving and your comment!

Last changed on 6. February 2022, 23:50

on 6. February 2022, 17:03 by Bankey
Good fun. Thanks, @ Mad-Tyas :-)

-Reply: Thank you, @Bankey. I'm glad you had fun solving it.

Last changed on 6. February 2022, 23:49

on 6. February 2022, 14:22 by TheRiddler
Nice one :-)

-Reply: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Rating:94 %
Solved:157 times
Observed:11 times

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