Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Warming Killer Lines / Erwärmung der Killerlinien

(Published on 2. February 2022, 18:07 by PDN777)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits on a killer line must sum to a specific number as determined by the line's color, and may not repeat on the line. The sums are as follows: green -- 24; red -- 15; yellow -- 12; violet -- 10. Digits on a thermometer must strictly increase from the bulb end. Digits must not repeat on the main diagonals.  I think this puzzle is one star out of five for difficulty for many solvers. As always, comments appreciated!

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Solution code: First row of puzzle, and fourth column of puzzle (read top to bottom). Enter as a string of 18 digits, no spaces.

Solved by SKORP17, Enkerro, jalebc, Doerak, BlendedCucumber, zorant, absolutebeginner, ScatterBrain, Playmaker6174, efnenu, VeTaurus, lutzreimer, jguer, mrgadget, RickHoffman, Miaocik, MB_Cyclist, Raistlen, ... k2u5as, augsod, vexillophilia, Javier Rebottaro, RussKozerski, tkrahn98, Elytron, naggy, koiking, isabelringo, Supertaster, Zedarflight , hasti2c, Jastucreudo, Malsted, ThreeGunGary, Saskia11
Full list


on 16. June 2023, 15:31 by Moses*
Another fun puzzle to solve, thanks to PDN. Nice and steady flow of digits ...and suddenly the grid is full.
...on to the next one!

on 19. February 2023, 10:29 by abadx
Easy puzzle. I would point out that non-repeat digit constraint along lines is not necessary for thIs puzzle as all lines are inside sudoku boxes.

Last changed on 8. February 2022, 13:52

on 8. February 2022, 13:47 by Dweezy
I really enjoyed this puzzle as all of yours. You prove that fun is not matter of difficulty.

** This is a lovely way to put it. Thanks so much! :-)

Last changed on 8. February 2022, 13:52

on 7. February 2022, 21:33 by Hozenrider
Really enjoyed this one as i did many others. It was so well put together really good breakin and fun. Thank you

** Thank you so much for the kind feedback. It means a lot to me!

Last changed on 6. February 2022, 05:58

on 5. February 2022, 21:03 by donk3y
I'm a big fan of your sudokus! I am not very experienced with variants, so yours are great introductions!

** Thanks so much for the wonderful feedback!

Last changed on 4. February 2022, 02:12

on 3. February 2022, 08:50 by jimblek
Very nice. Thanks.

** Thanks for the solve. :-)

Last changed on 2. February 2022, 21:27

on 2. February 2022, 19:53 by ScatterBrain
Pretty straight-forward. Thanks for putting this together.

** Yes, hence the one star. This was actually the first killer/sum line puzzle I did - proof of concept really. Have a look in my catalog for several others, if you like the constraint, for harder puzzles. Beware -- sum lines can repeat digits; killer lines cannot.

Rating:88 %
Solved:241 times
Observed:9 times

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