Normal sudoku rules apply.
Every horizontal or vertical line of connected digits which sums to 13 is marked with a cage.
No other horizontal or vertical lines of connected digits sum to 13 (including across cage boundaries).
Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Not all dots are given.
Solution code: row 1
on 16. February 2022, 20:04 by PinkNickels
Great setting!
on 15. February 2022, 05:13 by FullDeck-Missing
Nice deductions along the way; the negative constraint was delightful but challenging.
on 2. February 2022, 20:47 by Prince Joffrey
Fun :-)
on 2. February 2022, 12:21 by Ragna
Very nice puzzle! :-)
on 2. February 2022, 07:49 by Bankey
Fun puzzle. Thanks @ Scruffamudda :-)