Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

DSM Qualitraining 2022: XY-Differences

(Published on 29. January 2022, 20:21 by Realshaggy)

Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 so that each digit occurs exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 box. A diamond between two horizontally adjacent cells means that the digits placed in these cells must have a difference equal to the leftmost digit in that row. A diamond between two vertically adjacent cells means that the digits placed in these cells must have a difference equal to the topmost digit in that column. Cell pairs not marked by a diamond must not have a difference matching the first digit.



Penpa+ (with answer check)

Solution code: Row 7, Column 6.

Solved by Jesper, Elliott810, wmiltti, ibag, ScatterBrain, Greg, SKORP17, glum_hippo, t12345678, Steven R, OutOfMyMindBRB, r45, root_vegetable, kroutu, butch02, freyad, argl, Uhu, marcmees, achim-t, Cublaus, ... galgamer, cdwg2000, Sedho, Mody, chjacob, zuzanina, sandmoppe, DamnedLight, HolyFracker, ManuH, ildiko, misko, Vebby, Dermerlin, OhHeyGuysItsMax, ffricke, Just me, Saskia, apwelho, qw014052
Full list


on 6. February 2022, 10:01 by Mody
Hat Spaß gemacht

on 31. January 2022, 09:41 by Johannes Quack
Exzellentes Rätsel! Immer schön, wenn es jemandem gelingt, mit einem einfachen Ruleset auszukommen, ohne irgendwo als Krücke noch einen vereinzelten Kropkidot o.ä. einsetzen zu müssen...

on 29. January 2022, 23:27 by glum_hippo
Ein besonders lehrreiches Trainingsexemplar!

on 29. January 2022, 23:00 by ScatterBrain
Interesting rule set. Thanks!

on 29. January 2022, 22:47 by ibag
Hier hab ich gut lang auf dem Schlauch rumgestanden. Schönes Rätsel!

Rating:95 %
Solved:69 times
Observed:8 times

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